“If the one ever appeared, anyone else would just be a compromise. But I don’t want to compromise.” This line has become the talk of the town since TV drama My Sunshine debuted1 on Jan 10. It has become an instant hit, with the premiere episode reaching a record 104 million online views by the end of the day.
“如果世界上曾经有那个人出现过,其他人都会变成将就。而我不愿意将就。" 这句话正出自电视剧《何以笙箫默》。该剧1月10号一经播出就迅速蹿红,首播当日网络点击量高达1.04亿。
Many fans follow the series because of all the pretty faces, especially stunner Tiffany Tang, 31, and the well-dressed Wallace Chung, 40. However, the show’s success is also due to the tremendous fan base its original Web novel Silent Separation has accumulated since 2003. The novel started a craze as soon as writer Gu Man published the first chapter online.
颜值高成为很多粉丝追剧的原因,尤其是风度翩翩的帅哥钟汉良(40岁)和大美女唐嫣(31岁)。不过,这部剧的成功更离不开原著粉们的支持。 2003年原创小说《何以笙箫默》在网上发表,作者顾漫发布第一章之后就引发追文热潮。
The story is about two sweethearts that separate and are given a second chance. Zhao Mosheng and He Yichen fall in love in college but separate due to misunderstandings. Seven years later, fate tosses them together again. They work hard to resolve their misunderstandings and, in the end, become happily married.
何以笙箫默》讲述了一对情侣分道扬镳后再度相遇的故事。 女主赵默笙和男主何以琛相恋于校园,却因误解劳燕双飞。 七年后,命运让他们再度相遇。努力解开误会之后,他们终于破镜重圆、喜结连理。
The TV drama attracts me not only because it stays true to the novel, but also because it depicts2 my ideal romance. Whether they admit it or not, every woman dreams of having a handsome man chase after them exclusively. Well, He Yichen is just that. As one of the top lawyers in China, he is cute, competent, rational and rich. But after getting married, the seemingly cold lawyer gives Zhao a dream wedding, cooks for her, picks her up after work and protects her anytime she needs it - almost everything a dream husband should do.
这部剧之所以吸引我不仅因它忠于原著,还因其讲述了一段我理想中的爱情。不论你承认与否,每个女人都曾梦想有一个美男子弱水三千只取自己这一瓢饮。而何以琛正是这样的存在:作为中国顶尖的律师,他聪明能干、理性多金。 而看似高冷的何大律师不仅送给赵默笙一场梦幻般的婚礼,还在婚后下厨作羹汤、亲自接老婆下班,对赵默笙的呵护可谓无微不至,简直就是360度全能理想好丈夫!
Also, what makes the TV drama stand out among so many counterparts is the experiential proximity3 it creates for the audience. The love between the main couple is touching4 but not overstated. It is not only a fantasy or a daydream5 that takes the audience away but also an experience that can occur in our daily lives.
My Sunshine is a success, at least for me. It maintains the beauty of the novel, adds cute faces to create a feast for the eyes, satisfies many girls’ fantasies about love, and most importantly, encourages all of us to seize every available opportunity to embrace happiness.
debuted []
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初次表演,初次登台(debut的过去式与过去分词形式) | |
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depicts [diˈpikts]
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描绘,描画( depict的第三人称单数 ); 描述 | |
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proximity [prɒkˈsɪməti]
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n.接近,邻近 | |
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