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There is a forsaking which still sits at the same board and lies on the same couch with the forsaken soul, withering it the more by unloving proximity.


Wrench's mistake in order to bring her and Lydgate within effective proximity.


"It was previously thought that 'asking' for help in the form of human-directed gazing and gaze alternations was a trait reserved for domesticated species, which have evolved in close proximity to humans," McElligott says.


Air travel increases your risk of contracting Covid-19 because you spend extended periods of time in close proximity with other people, and come in contact with high-touch surfaces, according to the Centers for Disease Control.


In fact, most of the things we do as couples fall into the realm of proximity instead of true presence.


Proximity plays a role in who you're attracted to.

东京太拥挤 日本政府付钱请民众离开搬离

And some areas are enjoying success in attracting people and businesses to leave Tokyo, such as Fukuoka, a mid-sized city in Kyushu which has seen a large influx of tech workers and start-ups, drawn to the city's lower costs and proximity to talent and markets in other parts of Asia.

苹果2018款iPad将取消Home键 改用面容ID

9to5mac also reports a new version of the Apple Pencil will be released in conjunction with the new iPad, and will be paired to the device by proximity, like AirPods or HomePod.

气熏天却不自知? 日本发明体臭检测器

However, the Japanese company adds that the device could be very useful for other categories as well, like people who want to make sure body odor doesn't ruin their date, or those who work in close proximity to other people.


The site was chosen because of its proximity to an electricity substation, ensuring that it would be connected to the grid.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第43期:听听你的胃怎么说

Were you really hungry the last time you ate, or did your hand just happen to be in close proximity to that bag of potato chips?


The distortion in size has to do with the proximity of the phone to your face.


Experts fear the proximity of the two events will give damaged coral little chance to recover.


It is proximity to sporting royalty as well as to actual royalty.


The close proximity will allow the system to be studied in great detail, according to the release.


"China's rapid adoption of proximity payments is in part thanks to its late-mover advantage — unlike the US and other regions, China does not have a strong entrenched credit card culture.


In a research paper published while at Nasa, he explained: "A zero emission, highly efficient, highly reliable, ultra-low noise VTOL capability would be a game changer compared with existing close proximity flight capabilities, for both unmanned and manned applications.


With relationships being largely focused on activities or physical proximity, it is possible that your friends do not know a lot about you.


Casino operators are keen to find new markets, especially those in close proximity to China.


" The ranking incorporates growth in economic output, jobs and wages over, as well as per-capita growth, foreign direct investment growth and the proximity of high value-added industry employment, according to the institute.

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