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Besides the touching and thrilling story, the movie also features brilliant visual effects, thanks to the talented director and advanced computer technology.


Thus, a loving, touching, scary story is opened up.

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·(1527) 'I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us.


The other half were rewarded for touching happy faces.


But periodically touching base, even when you're not job-searching, means that when you do need to ask for a letter of reference or contacts in a new state, it won't seem self-serving and out of the blue.

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"Good morning," said the soldier, touching his cap, for he had never seen such a dog in his life.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(80)

He smiled and leaned back against the headrest, his forehead almost touching the ceiling.

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Sixteen percent were cursed or yelled at; 6 percent were hit, kicked or bitten; 1 percent were victims of "sexual incidents, such as exposing one's genitals, touching other residents, or attempting to gain sexual favors;" and 10.

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The love between the main couple is touching but not overstated.


Now mind you, the ages holding this blanket were ranging from seven and a half to five and a half, thus the sheet was probably being held up to our waist and also close to touching the ground.


I want to capture for her the belly laugh of a baby who is touching the soft fur of a dog for the first time.


His songs are simple but emotional, with catchy tunes and touching lyrics inspired by real life.


A Touching Farewell , Two old friends were out golfing.


Recently, I heard a touching story which illustrates the power that words have to change a life -- a power that lies right in the hands of those reading this article.


" Then he became mad and blind with rage, and struck the window-seat with such force that he cleft it in two: and as the sparrow flew from place to place, the carter and his wife were so furious, that they broke all their furniture, glasses, chairs, benches, the table, and at last the walls, without touching the bird at all.


1527,: "I beg to know expressly your intention touching the love between us.


the second sister brought him a piece of bread, and, as he had done to the first one, he captured her by merely touching her, and he carried her away.


Each life on the earth has a long and touching evolutionary story.


Still, this quaint clinging to a need for their friends to be more real on social media smacks of a touching idealism.


His friend says: "Wow, that is the most thoughtful and touching thing I have ever seen.

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