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当前位置:首页 -> 8级英语阅读 - > 醒来容易发脾气的原因?
添加时间:2015-12-11 19:37:25 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Do you jump out of bed every morning with a spring in yourstep? Or is it your partner who is first to it with a seize the daymentality that you just cannot stand? Well research nowsuggests that when it comes to waking up on the wrong side ofthe bed it is all about which side of the bed you have slept on.


    A study by sleep experts at Sealy UK found that those who kip on the right hand side of themattress are far more pessimistic than those who doze1 on the left.


    They are also more likely to hate work which adds to a seven per cent rise in grumpiness everymorning. Sleeping on the left hand side of the bed has proven to be ten per cent more likely togive you a positive outlook on life providing an eight per cent surge in how likely it is going to bethat you will love your job.


    Neil Robinson Sealy's top snooze analyst2 said: 'While the margins3 are small the research certainlyhighlights an interesting trend - could it be possible that the left side of bed is the "right" side?

    Neil Robinson 西利顶级睡眠分析师,说:“虽然睡两边的区别不大,研究当然强调了一个有趣的趋势,这可能因为床的左边是“正确”的一面?

    For many co-habiting couples this may prove problematic - with each side of the bed a fiercelyguarded territory changing from right to left may not be that easy. 'In probing the sleepingpatterns of 1000 adults the research found loners who prefer their own company prefer sleepingon the right while those with a large circle of friends plump for the left.

    “对于许多未婚同居夫妇,这可能证明是有问题的- 在床每一边极力守护的地盘,从右到左改变可不是那么容易的。”在探索1000成人的睡眠模式中,研究发现,孤独的人喜欢自己的同伴睡在右边,而那些朋友圈较广的人喜欢睡在左边。

    It also found that some couples never have to cross that bridge - as one in three head to separatebeds every night.


    Nearly 50 per cent who do tend to usually share a duvet head for the spare room to escape theirother half's snoring and a quarter to get away from their restlessness.One in ten are pushed out bytheir child or pet.


     8级    英文科普 
     单词标签: doze  analyst  margins 


    1 doze [dəʊz] IsoxV   第8级
    vi. 打瞌睡;假寐 vt. 打瞌睡度过 n. 瞌睡
    • He likes to have a doze after lunch. 他喜欢午饭后打个盹。
    • While the adults doze, the young play. 大人们在打瞌睡,而孩子们在玩耍。
    2 analyst [ˈænəlɪst] gw7zn   第9级
    • What can you contribute to the position of a market analyst? 你有什么技能可有助于市场分析员的职务?
    • The analyst is required to interpolate values between standards. 分析人员需要在这些标准中插入一些值。
    3 margins ['mɑ:dʒɪnz] 18cef75be8bf936fbf6be827537c8585   第7级
    边( margin的名词复数 ); 利润; 页边空白; 差数
    • They have always had to make do with relatively small profit margins. 他们不得不经常设法应付较少的利润额。
    • To create more space between the navigation items, add left and right margins to the links. 在每个项目间留更多的空隙,加左或者右的margins来定义链接。

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