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); the tones were a music from which he was falling away—he had really fallen into a momentary doze, when Rosamond said in her silvery neutral way, "Here is your tea, Tertius," setting it on the small table by his side, and then moved back to her place without looking at him.


Our moods are apt to bring with them images which succeed each other like the magic-lantern pictures of a doze; and in certain states of dull forlornness Dorothea all her life continued to see the vastness of St.


Gradually the Rat sank into a troubled doze, broken by starts and confused murmurings of things strange and wild and foreign to the unenlightened Mole; and from that he passed into a deep slumber.


Whether she thought of him so much, while she drank her warm wine and water, and prepared herself for bed, as to dream of him when there, cannot be ascertained; but I hope it was no more than in a slight slumber, or a morning doze at most; for if it be true, as a celebrated writer has maintained, that no young lady can be justified in falling in love before the gentleman's love is declared,[1] it must be very improper that a young lady should dream of a gentleman before the gentleman is first kn


" "Well now, no, I didn't," said Matthew, coming out of his doze with a start.


At last he was satisfied that time had ceased and eternity begun; he began to doze, in spite of himself; the clock chimed eleven, but he did not hear it.

精品文摘:Packaging A Person 人的包装

Youth, however, comes and goes in a moment of doze.


I was too scared to doze off, though.

荷塘月色 Moonlight over the Lotus Pond 英文版

Although it is a full moon, shining through a film of clouds, the light is not at its brightest; it is, however, just right for me – a profound sleep is indispensable, yet a snatched doze also has a savour of its own.


I was too scared to doze off, though.


Consider setting a timer on your fan, so it switches off shortly after you doze off and wear a sleep mask, so your eyes are protected.


There is a saying that, "People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer and feel tired in autumn.


Sleep alone Sharing a bed with your partner might feel comforting but it is not helping you doze off.


She would flutter away on the keyboard, doze for a bit, then awake and repeat.

The Cobbler and the Banker 皮匠和银行家

he was a banker;when by chance he fell into a doze at day-break,the cobbler awoke him with his song.


Only about 8 percent of Americans doze off in their birthday suits, but many more should consider going to bed in the buff.


Whether it's deciding to wake up a half hour early to get in a few chapters, or choosing to get into bed and cozy up with a book before you eventually doze off, dedicating time specifically for reading helps so much.


Autumn weariness There is a saying that, "People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer and feel tired in autumn.


You can secure a really bad grade if you stay up half the night, drag yourself to class, then doze a little while the instructor is talking.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(201)

I doze off, and, when I wake up, I see the sun rising in a buttermilk sky through the window next to the nurses' station.

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