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添加时间:2015-12-29 19:09:11 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • 1. Cyber Sickness


    Also called "digital motion sickness," symptoms that range from headaches to woozy feelings can occur when you quickly scroll1 on your smart phone or watch action-packed video on your screen.


    The sensation results from a mismatch between sensory2 inputs3, Steven Rauch, medical director of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Balance and Vestibular Center and a professor of otolaryngology at Harvard Medical School, told the New York Times.


    “Your sense of balance is different than other senses in that it has lots of inputs,” he said. “When those inputs don’t agree, that’s when you feel dizziness and nausea4.” In other words, you experience a "sensory conflict" when you see an active motion but don't physically5 feel it.


    Digital motion sickness can happen to anyone, though studies reveal the affliction effects more women than men. Those who have a history of migraines are also more susceptible6.


    2. Text Claw


    Avid7 texters and Candy Crush enthusiasts8 may be subject to text claw, the unofficial term for soreness and cramping9 felt in the fingers, wrist and forearm after heavy smartphone use. Any specific motor activity can cause pain in the tendons and muscles when done repeatedly, so if you're always on your phone, it makes sense to feel discomfort10 in your hands and forearm.


    There's not much to be done for preventing the pain (unless you'd like to stop using your devices!), but there are ways to alleviate11 it. Hand stretches, massage12 and hot/cold treatment can help.


    3. Eye Strain


    Do you stare at a screen for hours on end? If you're reading this, you very well might. Any activity that requires active use of your eyes -- driving, reading and writing included -- cancause eye fatigue13. Staring at your digital devices for long periods of time can lead to sore, irritated and dry eyes, headaches and fatigue, which, in turn, can decrease your productivity. In most cases, eye strain is not a serious issue and can be rectified14 with "screen breaks," or just taking some time out from the Google machine.

    你是不是会一直盯着手机屏幕好几个小时?如果你会的话, 你很可能会眼睛疲劳。任何活动都需要用到眼睛,比如开车、读书还有写东西,这些都会导致眼睛疲劳。长时间盯着你的电子设备会导致眼睛酸痛、发炎、干涩、头痛以及疲劳,从而降低你的生产能力。大部分情况下,眼睛疲劳并不会太严重,并且不看屏幕了就会得到缓解,或者只要远离谷歌设备一会儿就好了。

    Experts suggest taking screen breaks every 20 minutes. For 20 seconds, let your eyes scan the room or look out the window and, if they're feeling extra dry, lubricate them with some eye drops.


    4. Text Neck


    Similar to the claw, text neck -- discomfort in the neck and spine15 -- happens when you spend long periods of time looking down at your smartphone.“It is an epidemic16 or, at least, it’s very common,” Kenneth Hansraj, chief of spine surgery at New York Spine Surgery and Rehabilitation17 Medicine, told The Washington Post. “Just look around you, everyone has their heads down.” We're certainly in an era of smartphone obsession18.

    短信脖跟手机依赖症有点相似,即指颈部跟脊椎的不适,是由于你长时间看手机而导致的。“这是一种流行性的,或者说,至少是很常见的病,” 纽约脊柱外科和康复医学科的主任医师肯尼斯·罕斯拉杰对华盛邮报说道:“看看你周围,每个人都低着个头。”我们已经处在一个对手机极度痴迷的时代了。

    And according to expert calculations, the angle at which our big heads look down forces our spine to bear the weight of approximately 60 pounds. The habit may lead to people requiring medical spine care at a younger age. Being mindful of how far your neck bends when you're on your phone -- and bending it back to an upright position -- can help reduce the risk of text neck.


    5. Phantom19 Vibe


    If you've ever imagined your phone going off in your pocket, you've experienced phantom phone vibrations21. The phenomenon22 is incredibly common: One 2012 study revealed that 90 percent of college students experienced the non-existent vibration20. Experiencing fake vibes on a routine basis mirrors a kind of compulsive behavior, and can sometimes hint23 at feelings of anxiety.


    Reduce these uncomfortable feelings by taking some breaks from your phone: While most of us have our phones nearby for all of our waking hours, doing so is not a necessity for survival. Consider scheduling time to go off the grid24 and live phone free and set some boundaries for moments and spaces where devices are not welcome. Doing so will keep the ghosts out of your pants.


    6. Damaged sperm25


    Heat from laptops may damage sperm, according to some research. Notably26, in one study published in the journal Fertility and Sterility27, researchers found that storing sperm samples under a laptop decreased their motility, or ability to move, and led to more DNA28 damage -- both factors that could hurt the chances of reproduction -- than samples stored normally.


    7. Pedestrian safety


    Pedestrian fatalities29 are on the rise because too many smartphone users engage in distracted walking. While focused on the cyber world, many of us can lose reality of the physical one: Researchers say distracted walkers take more time to cross the street and are more likely to neglect traffic lights while less likely to look both ways. Elemental pedestrian safety knowledge is compromised by technology, and the risks are scary. To avoid injury or worse, put your phone away until you've reached a safe spot.


    8. Overeating


    It's not necessarily the phone itself that can lead to overeating, but a person's digital food porn habit. Research shows that looking at images of caloric food can incite30 cravings and a person's desire to eat. If you're fallen victim to this diet trap, you might consider unsubscribing to accounts that frequently post irresistible31 images.


     12级    英文科普 


    1 scroll [skrəʊl] kD3z9   第9级
    • As I opened the scroll, a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded. 我打开卷轴时,黄河的景象展现在眼前。
    • He was presented with a scroll commemorating his achievements. 他被授予一幅卷轴,以表彰其所做出的成就。
    2 sensory [ˈsensəri] Azlwe   第9级
    • Human powers of sensory discrimination are limited. 人类感官分辨能力有限。
    • The sensory system may undergo long-term adaptation in alien environments. 感觉系统对陌生的环境可能经过长时期才能适应。
    3 inputs ['ɪnpʊts] a8aff967e1649a1c82ea607c881e8091   第7级
    n.输入( input的名词复数 );投入;输入端;输入的数据v.把…输入电脑( input的第三人称单数 )
    • Uncheck the inputs checked for optimization in the previous stage. 不测试那些已经测试过的优化了的以前步骤的inputs.(变量参数)。 来自互联网
    • Just in case, save in a file the inputs obtained at the previous stage. 以防万一,保存以前步骤获得的inputs(变量参数值)到一个文件中去。 来自互联网
    4 nausea [ˈnɔ:ziə] C5Dzz   第9级
    • Early pregnancy is often accompanied by nausea. 怀孕期常有恶心的现象。
    • He experienced nausea after eating octopus. 吃了章鱼后他感到恶心。
    5 physically [ˈfɪzɪkli] iNix5   第8级
    • He was out of sorts physically, as well as disordered mentally. 他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
    • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick. 一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
    6 susceptible [səˈseptəbl] 4rrw7   第7级
    • Children are more susceptible than adults. 孩子比成人易受感动。
    • We are all susceptible to advertising. 我们都易受广告的影响。
    7 avid [ˈævɪd] ponyI   第9级
    • He is rich, but he is still avid of more money. 他很富有,但他还想贪图更多的钱。
    • She was avid for praise from her coach. 那女孩渴望得到教练的称赞。
    8 enthusiasts [ɪn'θju:zɪæsts] 7d5827a9c13ecd79a8fd94ebb2537412   第9级
    n.热心人,热衷者( enthusiast的名词复数 )
    • A group of enthusiasts have undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive. 一群火车迷已担负起重造蒸汽机车的任务。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    • Now a group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane restored. 一群热心人计划修复这架飞机。 来自新概念英语第二册
    9 cramping ['kræmpɪŋ] 611b7a8bb08c8677d8a4f498dff937bb   第10级
    • The bleeding may keep my left hand from cramping. 淌血会叫我的左手不抽筋。
    • This loss of sodium can cause dehydration and cramping. 钠流失会造成脱水和抽筋。
    10 discomfort [dɪsˈkʌmfət] cuvxN   第8级
    • One has to bear a little discomfort while travelling. 旅行中总要忍受一点不便。
    • She turned red with discomfort when the teacher spoke. 老师讲话时她不好意思地红着脸。
    11 alleviate [əˈli:vieɪt] ZxEzJ   第7级
    • The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain. 医生给她注射以减轻疼痛。
    • Nothing could alleviate his distress. 什么都不能减轻他的痛苦。
    12 massage [ˈmæsɑ:ʒ] 6ouz43   第9级
    • He is really quite skilled in doing massage. 他的按摩技术确实不错。
    • Massage helps relieve the tension in one's muscles. 按摩可使僵硬的肌肉松弛。
    13 fatigue [fəˈti:g] PhVzV   第7级
    • The old lady can't bear the fatigue of a long journey. 这位老妇人不能忍受长途旅行的疲劳。
    • I have got over my weakness and fatigue. 我已从虚弱和疲劳中恢复过来了。
    14 rectified [ˈrektifaid] 8714cd0fa53a5376ba66b0406599eb20   第7级
    • I am hopeful this misunderstanding will be rectified very quickly. 我相信这个误会将很快得到纠正。
    • That mistake could have been rectified within 28 days. 那个错误原本可以在28天内得以纠正。
    15 spine [spaɪn] lFQzT   第7级
    • He broke his spine in a fall from a horse. 他从马上跌下摔断了脊梁骨。
    • His spine developed a slight curve. 他的脊柱有点弯曲。
    16 epidemic [ˌepɪˈdemɪk] 5iTzz   第7级
    • That kind of epidemic disease has long been stamped out. 那种传染病早已绝迹。
    • The authorities tried to localise the epidemic. 当局试图把流行病限制在局部范围。
    17 rehabilitation [ˌri:əˌbɪlɪ'teɪʃn] 8Vcxv   第8级
    • He's booked himself into a rehabilitation clinic. 他自己联系了一家康复诊所。
    • No one can really make me rehabilitation of injuries. 已经没有人可以真正令我的伤康复了。
    18 obsession [əbˈseʃn] eIdxt   第7级
    • I was suffering from obsession that my career would be ended. 那时的我陷入了我的事业有可能就此终止的困扰当中。
    • She would try to forget her obsession with Christopher. 她会努力忘记对克里斯托弗的迷恋。
    19 phantom [ˈfæntəm] T36zQ   第10级
    • I found myself staring at her as if she were a phantom. 我发现自己瞪大眼睛看着她,好像她是一个幽灵。
    • He is only a phantom of a king. 他只是有名无实的国王。
    20 vibration [vaɪˈbreɪʃn] nLDza   第7级
    • There is so much vibration on a ship that one cannot write. 船上的震动大得使人无法书写。
    • The vibration of the window woke me up. 窗子的震动把我惊醒了。
    21 vibrations ['vaɪbreɪʃənz] d94a4ca3e6fa6302ae79121ffdf03b40   第7级
    n.摆动( vibration的名词复数 );震动;感受;(偏离平衡位置的)一次性往复振动
    • We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside. 我们可以感到外面卡车经过时的颤动。
    • I am drawn to that girl; I get good vibrations from her. 我被那女孩吸引住了,她使我产生良好的感觉。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    22 phenomenon [fəˈnɒmɪnən] DNQxo   第8级
    • Beethoven was a phenomenon among many musicians. 贝多芬是众多的音乐家中的天才。
    • How do you explain this phenomenon? 这种现象怎样解释?
    23 hint [hɪnt] IdgxW   第7级
    • He gave me a hint that I was being cheated. 他暗示我在受人欺骗。
    • He quickly took the hint. 一点他就明白了。
    24 grid [grɪd] 5rPzpK   第9级
    • In this application, the carrier is used to encapsulate the grid. 在这种情况下,要用载体把格栅密封起来。
    • Modern gauges consist of metal foil in the form of a grid. 现代应变仪则由网格形式的金属片组成。
    25 sperm [spɜ:m] jFOzO   第8级
    • Only one sperm fertilises an egg. 只有一个精子使卵子受精。
    • In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one sperm. 在人体生殖过程中,一个精子使一个卵子受精。
    26 notably [ˈnəʊtəbli] 1HEx9   第8级
    • Many students were absent, notably the monitor. 许多学生缺席,特别是连班长也没来。
    • A notably short, silver-haired man, he plays basketball with his staff several times a week. 他个子明显较为矮小,一头银发,每周都会和他的员工一起打几次篮球。
    27 sterility [stə'rɪlətɪ] 5a6fe796564ac45f93637ef1db0f8094   第9级
    • A major barrier to interspecific hybridization is sterility in the F1 progeny.种间杂交的主要障碍是F1代的不育性。
    • Sterility is some permanent factor preventing procreation.不育是阻碍生殖的一种永久性因素。
    28 DNA [ˌdi: en ˈeɪ] 4u3z1l   第8级
    (缩)deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
    • DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell. 脱氧核糖核酸储存于细胞的细胞核里。
    • Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code. 基因突变是指DNA密码的改变。
    29 fatalities [feɪˈtælɪti:z] d08638a004766194f5b8910963af71d4   第10级
    n.恶性事故( fatality的名词复数 );死亡;致命性;命运
    • Several people were injured, but there were no fatalities. 有几个人受伤,但没有人死亡。
    • The accident resulted in fatalities. 那宗意外道致多人死亡。 来自《简明英汉词典》
    30 incite [ɪnˈsaɪt] kx4yv   第9级
    • I wanted to point out he was a very good speaker, and could incite a crowd. 我想说明他曾是一个非常出色的演讲家,非常会调动群众的情绪。
    • Just a few words will incite him into action. 他只需几句话一将,就会干。
    31 irresistible [ˌɪrɪˈzɪstəbl] n4CxX   第7级
    • The wheel of history rolls forward with an irresistible force. 历史车轮滚滚向前,势不可挡。
    • She saw an irresistible skirt in the store window. 她看见商店的橱窗里有一条叫人着迷的裙子。

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