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From crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the "sensory heritage" of France's countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet.


From crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the "sensory heritage" of France's countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet.


Go on to explore its home in lush coral reefs and you'll soon hit sensory overload, assaulted by colors and patterns that range from sublime to garish.


You've placed them strategically around the room for optimal sensory bliss—the mantel, the shelf, the window sill, the table.

研究发现 女性更擅长情节记忆

The research also indicates women are better at remembering faces and recalling sensory memories such as smells.


Defining ASMR ASMR stands for "autonomous sensory meridian response," a term coined in 2010.


Lead author Dipayan Biswas, PhD, professor of marketing at the University of South Florida, is an expert in cross-modal effects and looked specifically at how the vestibular sense, which is responsible for balance, posture and spatial orientation, interacts with the gustatory sensory system, which impacts taste and flavor.


In this follow-up study, the researchers focused on sweet and bitter tastes and the amygdala - a brain region that is key for making judgements about sensory experience.


"Participants demonstrated an intuitive understanding that men investing in the display of goods featuring exaggerated sensory properties have reproductive strategies with higher mating effort and greater interest in short-term sexual relationships, as well as lower paternal investment and interest in long-term committed romantic relationships than men investing in practical considerations," said Dr Daniel Kruger, of the University of Michigan.

乔布斯传 第50期:热浪滚滚的时代(1)

Overlaid on it all were various self-fulfillment movements pursuing paths to personal enlightenment: ,、 Zen and Hinduism, meditation and yoga, primal scream and sensory deprivation, Esalen and est.


Christopher Hollingsworth of NYC Surgical Associates puts it all down to the fact that the sensory nerve fibres of your parietal peritoneum - that's the internal lining of your stomach cavity - relay information back to the spine in the exact same area as those of your bladder and urethra.


Christopher Hollingsworth of NYC Surgical Associates puts it all down to the fact that the sensory nerve fibres of your parietal peritoneum - that's the internal lining of your stomach cavity - relay information back to the spine in the exact same area as those of your bladder and urethra.


In fact, when you try to process sensory information like speech or video, you are going to need partly the same system of working memory, so you are reducing your own working memory capacity.


Originally intended to be a thing of beauty rather than a sensory beast, the peppers measure a formidable 2.


People having migraines usually experience intense pain, sensitivity to light, dizziness and sometimes nausea and visual and sensory symptoms called auras.


Originally intended to be a thing of beauty rather than a sensory beast, the peppers measure a formidable 2.


" If this technique seems too insanely dangerous (and it does), a much safer option is to shut out all sensory stimuli from the surrounding environment.


The work will take place in sensory booths in the Consumer Science discussion rooms.


We also asked other things about food than strictly one of the sensory properties.


This long-term training "leads to a strengthening of sensory neural pathways," he added, especially when skills are built up over many years.

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