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He was fuming under a repressive law which he was forced to acknowledge: he was dangerously poised, and Rosamond's voice now brought the decisive vibration.


Garth's mind had not resumed their old vibration towards the very end which now revealed itself to Fred.


And at the sound of the first "give and bequeath" she could see all complexions changing subtly, as if some faint vibration were passing through them, save that of Mr.


The deep, booming vibration that shook the little frame building was no note from an organ, but the humming of the mill machinery.

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If it's not, the phone would automatically either display a warning to the user or prevent call alerts, such as ringing and vibration.


The mobile works out which route you should be following and the shoes then emit a discreet vibration in either foot telling you when and where to change direction.


When the music starts, the vibration is strong enough for the music to be heard clearly — eliminating the need for headphones.

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Upstairs neighbors have to shout to hear each other over the loud noise, so sleeping is out of the question, and the constant vibration is annoying as well.


Sound proofing and vibration damping can reduce noise inside the carriages to 65 decibels when the trains run at maximum speed, a noise level suitable for conversation, the manager said.


That's why we use atomic - or microwave - clocks, which measure the vibration of a caesium atom to keep time, just like the tiny swinging of a pendulum.


Users can feel the sensation of the page moving through their fingertips via a detailed vibration of the phone.


Many of us have reached in our pockets, feeling a vibration, wrongly believing our mobile phones have just rung.


The phenomenon is incredibly common: One 2012 study revealed that 90 percent of college students experienced the non-existent vibration.


More than 70 glass balls, each weighing 750 kg, have been installed randomly to counter sympathetic vibration.


More than 70 glass balls, each weighing 750 kg, have been installed to counter sympathetic vibration, explained Wan Tianbao, a chief engineer with the project.


If she complains about a vibration, I'll know she's driving too fast.


Keep conversation to a whisper, turn down your iPod and put your cellphone on vibration mode, a recent survey by the bus association showed.


Every color has a unique vibration all of its own, and this can significantly affect how you feel in a room.


Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is Science has proven that emotions like love and fear have very different vibrations.


A pilot, demonstrated in June, is undergoing final mechanical and control integration and will later be rigorously tested for such parameters as tractive effort (the pulling force a locomotive exerts in order to move), shock and vibration resistance, and noise, says Karen Griggs, a company spokeswoman.

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