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His mind was crowded with images and conjectures, which were a language to his hopes and fears, just as we hear tones from the vibrations which shake our whole system.


In the beginning they inhaled it unknowingly: you and I may have sent some of our breath towards infecting them, when we uttered our conforming falsities or drew our silly conclusions: or perhaps it came with the vibrations from a woman's glance.


Sandra Murphy fitted participants' hands with small devices that emitted light vibrations.

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Page fears the vibrations caused by noisy excavations could irreversibly damage the Victorian interior of his own house on the street in Kensington.


All of the Walking Dead's carriages have been fitted with the harvesting devices, which not only suck up the energy of screams, but that from g-force and vibrations, too.


The electronic system analyzes all of these vibrations simultaneously, and within 200 milliseconds produces information about 20 different properties of the shot.

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They are designed to produce strong vibrations, with the stronger versions claiming to reproduce the same effect as someone drilling into the floor.


"In rare cases, affected units may experience abnormal vibrations that could pose a risk of personal injury or property damage when washing bedding, bulky or water-resistant items," the statement says.


And since 1967, a SI second has been defined as 9,192,631,770 cycles of those vibrations.

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In the patent, published by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, it says these sensors are connected to a system of actuators sitting close to the skin so they are able to create a feeling of pressure – like a hug – heat and coolness or generate vibrations or music.


ReFlex, developed by researchers at Queen's University, uses 'bend sensors' to control app interactions, and simulates physical forces through detailed vibrations.


A 2010 study by Michael Rothberg and colleagues found that nearly 70 per cent of doctors at a hospital in Massachusetts suffered phantom vibrations.


Phantom Vibe If you've ever imagined your phone going off in your pocket, you've experienced phantom phone vibrations.


It doesn't even have a speaker, relying instead on a Smart Sonic receiver that transmits sound through vibrations on the phone's screen.


This is not always easy due to our living 30 miles apart from each other, other commitments and busy, full-time jobs, but the high vibrations generated just by the touch of our hands is worth whatever it takes to be together.


The zebrafish, like many aquatic creatures, has clusters of hair cells running along the outside of its body that help sense vibrations in the water, working in a similar way to hair cells in the human inner ear.


Vibrations emanating from within your body can activate these auditory structures as well.


Love is the highest vibration emotion that there is Science has proven that emotions like love and fear have very different vibrations.


She also learnt to read people's lips by pressing her finger-tips against them and feeling the movement and vibrations.


She also learnt to read people's lips by pressing her finger-tips against them and feeling the movement and vibrations.

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