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当前位置:首页 -> 9级英语阅读 - > 在纽约博物馆体验未完成的艺术
添加时间:2016-08-30 20:44:02 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • MARTIN R. ANDERSON, 65, squints1 to appreciate the geometry of paintings at the museum. Kate Davis, 24, says the sunlight that bounces off museum walls and onto the art can’t be reproduced.

    65岁的马丁•R•安德森(Martin R. Anderson)眯着眼睛观赏博物馆中油画的几何构图。24岁的凯特•戴维斯(Kate Davis)说,从博物馆墙壁反射到艺术品上的阳光是不可复制的。

    Stan Kaplan, 65, flies across the country just to see a Leonardo da Vinci drawing “more beautiful” than the Mona Lisa. And an elderly woman posts to Facebook a selfie of herself beside a masterwork, presumably commencing an avalanche2 of social-media approval.

    65岁的斯坦•卡普兰(Stan Kaplan)坐飞机穿越整个国家,就为了看一眼列奥纳多•达•芬奇(Leonardo da Vinci)比《蒙娜•丽莎》“还要美”的一幅画。一位年长的女人在Facebook主页上贴出了一张她在一幅大师杰作旁边的自拍,估计会得到社交媒体上的大量点赞。

    As for those interviewed, they included students who said museums were like “eating your vegetables” and romantics who cherish their lunch breaks, when they can hop3 in a cab to go steal a few quiet minutes in front of a beloved painting they have already gazed at dozens of times before.


    A handful of works in particular generated the most comment (a deathbed portrait of an artist’s mistress, a painting of someone being skinned alive) and common themes emerged over time (the ubiquity of technology, people’s short attention spans).


    Here’s what museumgoers said.


    The artwork: “James Hunter Black Draftee” (1965) by Alice Neel

    艺术品:《詹姆斯•亨特黑人新兵》(James Hunter Black Draftee,1965),爱丽丝•尼尔(Alice Neel)

    Mr. Anderson’s take: “He probably did get killed because his family would have heard about this painting and said something by now.”


    Another perspective: “When I saw this image in the advertisements, I saw it as contemporary, like an album cover.” — Steve Wolkwitz, 25, a student

    另一种角度:“当我看到这幅画被用在广告里时,我觉得它是当代艺术,就像唱片封套一样。”——史蒂夫•沃尔克维茨(Steve Wolkwitz),25岁,学生

    The artwork: “Self-Portrait With Wig4” (1898-1900) by Pablo Picasso

    艺术品:《戴假发的自画像》(Self-Portrait With Wig,1898-1900),巴勃罗•毕加索

    Ms. Kops’ take: “He was probably drunk.”

    科普斯(Ms. Kops)的观点:“他可能喝醉了。”

    Another perspective: “I didn’t know it was a Picasso. And then like, whoa. It’s a Picasso.” — Normandie Syken, 20, an illustrator

    另一种角度:“我一开始不知道这是毕加索的画,知道了以后才觉得,哇。这是毕加索。”——诺曼迪•西肯(Normandie Syken),20岁,插画家

    The artwork: “Untitled I-VI (Green Paintings)” (circa 1986) by Cy Twombly

    艺术品:《无标题 I-VI(绿色油画)》(Untitled I-VI [Green Paintings],约1986),赛•通布利(Cy Twombly)

    Mr. Meyerhofer’s take: “I want to hate it, but it’s so good.”

    梅尔霍夫(Mr. Meyerhofer)的观点:“我本想讨厌它,但它实在太棒了。”

    “It’s awful algae5 green. But you can’t deny it. It grabs you. But part of me thinks it is so crude.”


    The artwork: “The Flaying6 of Marsyas” (probably 1570s) by Titian

    艺术品:《马斯亚斯的剥皮》(The Flaying of Marsyas,可能是16世纪70年代),提香。

    Mr. Meyerhofer’s take: “It’s so violent and awful. My husband would say, ‘I wouldn’t want this on the wall of my living room.’ This must have been the equivalent of a horror movie back in the day.”


    Another perspective: “You’re imagining what is he going to do with that knife. The bucket: Is it enough to hold? And his eyes — he can see the pain coming.” — Stan Kaplan, 65, Los Angeles


    The artwork: “The Vision of Saint John” (1609-14) by El Greco

    艺术品:《圣约翰的形象》(The Vision of Saint John,1609-14),埃尔•格列柯(El Greco)

    Ms. Campbell’s take: “It could have been a blue sky, but maybe it was going to be dark and stormy.”

    坎贝尔女士(Ms. Campbell)的观点:“天本来应该是蓝的,可能会阴沉下去,下起狂风骤雨。”

    Another perspective: “It’s so modern. And what’s with these crazy babies floating around?” — William Meyerhofer

    另一种观点:“它很现代。这些疯狂的婴儿们飘来飘去是干什么的?”——威廉•梅耶霍夫(William Meyerhofer)

    The artwork: “Head of a Woman (La Scapigliata)” (1500-5) by Leonardo da Vinci

    艺术品:《女子头像(La Scapigliata)》(Head of a Woman [La Scapigliata],1500-5),列奥纳多•达芬奇

    Mr. Miozzo’s take: “This is unfinished, but you can see the psychology7 of a character. It forces you to think what is in the mind of this young woman. It makes me think, Who was she? What was she thinking?”

    米奥佐先生(Mr. Miozzo)的观点:“这幅画没有完成,但是你可以看出人物的心理。它迫使你去思考,这个年轻女人的心里在想什么。它让我去思考,她是谁?她在想什么?”

    Another perspective: “I think about how much more beautiful she is than the Mona Lisa.” — Stan Kaplan


    Another perspective: “You need to see this one with your own eyes. No reproduction I’ve seen comes close to this.” — Martin R. Anderson


    The artwork: “You or Me” (2005) by Maria Lassnig

    艺术品:《你或我》(You or Me, 2005),玛丽亚•拉斯尼戈(Maria Lassnig)

    Ms. Choi’s take: “It made me think about women in Korea, where I read that the suicide rate is [very high]. For some reason, I thought about that.”

    崔女士(Ms. Choi)的观点:“它让我想起韩国的女人,我读到那里的自杀率(非常高)。出于某些原因,我就是想起这个。”

    Another perspective: “This is brave. She’s old. She’s overweight. Think about how courageous8 this is.” — Michele Miozzo

    另一种角度:“这很勇敢。她很老,她很胖。想想这有多么勇敢吧。”——米歇尔•米奥佐(Michele Miozzo)

    The artwork: “Cart Full of Action” (1986) by Cady Noland

    艺术品:《装满物品的推车》(Cart Full of Action, 1986),卡迪•诺兰(Cady Noland)

    Ms. Davis’ take: “I don’t like this. I think the question is not even if it is finished but is this even art? I could see this in a parking lot.”


    Another perspective: “This is what the artist is putting into the world. Nothing is a waste of space.” — Tony White, 29, Louisville

    另一种角度:“这就是艺术家带给世界的东西。没有什么是对空间的浪费。”——托尼•怀特(Tony White),29岁,路易斯维尔

    The artwork: “Gardanne” (1885-86) by Paul Cézanne

    艺术品:《贾达尼》(Gardanne, 1885-86),保罗•塞尚(Paul Cézanne)

    Michelle Oliveira’s take: “The curious thing to me is why are these unfinished. What better thing did Picasso or Cézanne feel they needed to go and do? Grab a coffee? Go kiss a girl?”

    米歇尔•奥利维拉(Michelle Oliveira)的观点:“让我好奇的是,那些作品为什么没能完成。毕加索和塞尚觉得他们最好还是做点别的什么事吗?去喝杯咖啡?去吻一个女孩?”

    Nilza Oliveira’s take: “An artist is never finished so their art is never finished. When you finish it, you kill it. Leaving it unfinished, you keep it alive.”

    尼尔扎•奥利维拉(Nilza Oliveira)的观点:“艺术家永远不会止步,所以他们的艺术也永远不会完成。一旦完成就是杀死了它,让它保持未完成的状态,就是让它活着。”

    The artwork: “Bouquet9 of Peonies in a Green Jar” (1898) by Paul Cézanne

    艺术品:《绿色花瓶中的牡丹花束》(Bouquet of Peonies in a Green Jar,1898),保罗•塞尚

    Mr. Scotch’s take: “Those empty spaces could be light. If you put more there, it’s almost too much information. Like this it is allowed to breathe.”

    斯科奇先生(Mr. Scotch)的观点:“这些留白应该是光。如果你再添加什么东西,信息就几乎太多了。像这样,就有了呼吸的空间。”

    Another perspective: “There are only a few strokes here. But I can tell the petals10 feel velvet11.” — Michele Miozzo


     9级    英语新闻 
     单词标签: squints  avalanche  hop  wig  algae  flaying  psychology  courageous  bouquet  petals  velvet 


    1 squints [skwɪnts] bfe0612e73f5339319e9bedd8e5f655e   第10级
    斜视症( squint的名词复数 ); 瞥
    • The new cashier squints, has a crooked nose and very large ears. 新来的出纳斜眼、鹰钩鼻子,还有两只大耳朵。
    • They both have squints. 他俩都是斜视。
    2 avalanche [ˈævəlɑ:nʃ] 8ujzl   第8级
    • They were killed by an avalanche in the Swiss Alps. 他们在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的一次雪崩中罹难。
    • Higher still the snow was ready to avalanche. 在更高处积雪随时都会崩塌。
    3 hop [hɒp] vdJzL   第7级
    • The children had a competition to see who could hop the fastest. 孩子们举行比赛,看谁单足跳跃最快。
    • How long can you hop on your right foot? 你用右脚能跳多远?
    4 wig [wɪg] 1gRwR   第8级
    • The actress wore a black wig over her blond hair. 那个女演员戴一顶黑色假发罩住自己的金黄色头发。
    • He disguised himself with a wig and false beard. 他用假发和假胡须来乔装。
    5 algae [ˈældʒi:] tK6yW   第11级
    • Most algae live in water. 多数藻类生长在水中。
    • Algae grow and spread quickly in the lake. 湖中水藻滋蔓。
    6 flaying [f'leɪɪŋ] 7ebb89b195c81add8ae51adefe2114b5   第10级
    v.痛打( flay的现在分词 );把…打得皮开肉绽;剥(通常指动物)的皮;严厉批评
    • Every tree doomed to the flaying process was first attacked by Upjohn. 每一棵决定要剥皮的树,首先由厄普约翰开始动手干。 来自辞典例句
    • Cannon rolled past, the drivers flaying the thin mules with lengths of rawhide. 后面是辚辚滚动的炮车,赶车的用长长的皮鞭狠狠抽打着羸弱的骡子。 来自飘(部分)
    7 psychology [saɪˈkɒlədʒi] U0Wze   第7级
    • She has a background in child psychology. 她受过儿童心理学的教育。
    • He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge. 他在剑桥大学学习哲学和心理学。
    8 courageous [kəˈreɪdʒəs] HzSx7   第8级
    • We all honour courageous people. 我们都尊重勇敢的人。
    • He was roused to action by courageous words. 豪言壮语促使他奋起行动。
    9 bouquet [buˈkeɪ] pWEzA   第8级
    • This wine has a rich bouquet. 这种葡萄酒有浓郁的香气。
    • Her wedding bouquet consisted of roses and ivy. 她的婚礼花篮包括玫瑰和长春藤。
    10 petals [petlz] f346ae24f5b5778ae3e2317a33cd8d9b   第8级
    n.花瓣( petal的名词复数 )
    • white petals tinged with blue 略带蓝色的白花瓣
    • The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine. 许多花瓣在阳光下开放。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
    11 velvet [ˈvelvɪt] 5gqyO   第7级
    • This material feels like velvet. 这料子摸起来像丝绒。
    • The new settlers wore the finest silk and velvet clothing. 新来的移民穿着最华丽的丝绸和天鹅绒衣服。

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