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添加时间:2017-04-30 22:31:45 浏览次数: 作者:未知
  • Why do I exist? This isn't a philosophical1 cri de coeur; it's an evolutionary2 conundrum3. At 58, I'm well past menopause, and yet I'll soldier, on, with luck, for many years more. The conundrum is more vivid when you realize that human beings (and killer whales) are the only species where females outlive their fertility. Our closest primate4 relatives--chimpanzees, for example--usually die before their 50s, when they are still fertile.


    This isn't just a miracle of modern medicine. Our human life expectancy5 is much longer than it used to be--but that's because far fewer children die in infancy6. Anthropologists have looked at life spans in hunter-gatherer and forager8 societies, which are like the societies we evolved in. If you make it past childhood, you have a good chance of making it into your 60s or 70s.


    It turns out that my existence may actually be the key to human nature. This isn't a megalomaniacal boast but a new biological theory: the 'grandmother hypothesis.' Twenty years ago, the anthropologist7 Kristen Hawkes at the University of Utah went to study the Hadza, a forager group in Africa, thinking that she would uncover the origins of hunting. But then she noticed the many wiry old women who dug roots and cooked dinners and took care of babies (much like me, though my root-digging skills are restricted to dividing the irises). It turned out that these old women played an important role in providing nutrition for the group, as much as the strapping9 young hunters. What's more, those old women provided an absolutely crucial resource by taking care of their grandchildren.

    原来,我的存在实际上可能是人类本性的关键。这不是狂妄自大的吹牛,而是一套新的生物学理论:“祖母假说”(grandmother hypothesis)。20年前,犹他大学(University of Utah)的人类学家克里斯滕・霍克斯(Kristen Hawkes)去非洲研究狩猎采集族群“哈扎”(Hadza),以为她会揭开狩猎的起源。但去了之后她注意到很多身材精瘦的老妇人负责挖植物的根、做饭、照顾孩子(跟我很像,不过我挖植物根的技能仅限于掰鸢尾根)。原来这些老婆婆对于为集体提供营养发挥着重要的作用,不亚于那些年轻强壮的狩猎者。另外,老婆婆们照管孙辈,提供了一种绝对重要的资源。

    There are many controversies10 about what happened in human evolution. But there's no debate that there were two dramatic changes in what biologists call our 'life-history': Besides living much longer than our primate relatives, our babies depend on adults for much longer.


    Young chimps11 gather as much food as they eat by the time they are 7 or so. But even in forager societies, human children pull their weight only when they are teenagers. Why would our babies be helpless for so long? That long immaturity12 helps make us so smart: It gives us a long protected time to grow large brains and to use those brains to learn about the world we live in. Human beings can learn to adapt to an exceptionally wide variety of environments, and those skills of learning and culture develop in the early years of life.


    But that immaturity has a cost. It means that biological mothers can't keep babies going all by themselves: They need help. In forager societies grandmothers provide a substantial amount of child care as well as nutrition. Barry Hewlett at Washington State University and his colleagues found, much to their surprise, that grandmothers even shared breast-feeding with mothers. Some grandmoms just served as big pacifiers, but some, even after menopause, could 'relactate,' actually producing milk. (Though I think I'll stick to the high-tech13, 21st-century version of helping14 to feed my 5-month-old granddaughter with electric pumps, freezers and bottles.)

    但这种不成熟有其代价。它意味着生物学意义上的母亲无法完全靠自己带孩子:她们需要帮手。在狩猎采集社会,祖母不仅提供营养,也做了大量的育儿工作。华盛顿州立大学(Washington State University)的巴利・休利特(Barry Hewlett)及其同事非常意外地发现,祖母甚至和母亲共同哺乳。一些祖母仅仅是充当大奶嘴的作用,但有些祖母甚至在更年期过后都能“重新哺乳”(relactate),真的会分泌乳汁。(不过我想我自己会坚持采用21世纪的高科技方法,用电泵、冰箱和奶瓶来帮助喂养五个月大的孙女。)

    Dr. Hawkes's 'grandmother hypothesis' proposes that grandmotherhood developed in tandem15 with our long childhood. In fact, she argues that the evolution of grandmothers was exactly what allowed our long childhood, and the learning and culture that go with it, to emerge. In mathematical models, you can see what happens if, at first, just a few women live past menopause and use that time to support their grandchildren (who, of course, share their genes). The 'grandmother trait' can rapidly take hold and spread. And the more grandmothers contribute, the longer the period of immaturity can be.


    So on Mother's Day this Sunday, as we toast mothers over innumerable Bloody16 Marys and Eggs Benedicts across the country, we might add an additional toast for the gray-haired grandmoms behind the scenes.


     10级    英文科普 


    1 philosophical [ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkl] rN5xh   第8级
    • The teacher couldn't answer the philosophical problem. 老师不能解答这个哲学问题。
    • She is very philosophical about her bad luck. 她对自己的不幸看得很开。
    2 evolutionary [ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃənri] Ctqz7m   第9级
    • Life has its own evolutionary process. 生命有其自身的进化过程。
    • These are fascinating questions to be resolved by the evolutionary studies of plants. 这些十分吸引人的问题将在研究植物进化过程中得以解决。
    3 conundrum [kəˈnʌndrəm] gpxzZ   第12级
    • Let me give you some history about a conundrum. 让我给你们一些关于谜题的历史。
    • Scientists had focused on two explanations to solve this conundrum. 科学家已锁定两种解释来解开这个难题。
    4 primate [ˈpraɪmeɪt] A1YzI   第8级
    • 14 percent of primate species are highly endangered. 14%的灵长类物种处于高度濒危状态。
    • The woolly spider monkey is the largest primate in the Americas. 绒毛蛛猴是美洲最大的灵长类动物。
    5 expectancy [ɪkˈspektənsi] tlMys   第8级
    • Japanese people have a very high life expectancy. 日本人的平均寿命非常长。
    • The atomosphere of tense expectancy sobered everyone. 这种期望的紧张气氛使每个人变得严肃起来。
    6 infancy [ˈɪnfənsi] F4Ey0   第9级
    • He came to England in his infancy. 他幼年时期来到英国。
    • Their research is only in its infancy. 他们的研究处于初级阶段。
    7 anthropologist [ˌænθrəˈpɒlədʒɪst] YzgzPk   第9级
    • The lecturer is an anthropologist. 这位讲师是人类学家。
    • The anthropologist unearthed the skull of an ancient human at the site. 人类学家在这个遗址挖掘出那块古人类的颅骨。
    8 forager ['fɒrɪdʒə] d0f44be3af8191499beea8a84cdbe41f   第10级
    • "A forager won't come back until it finds something, " Gordon says . “一只觅食蚁在发现食物之前是不会返回蚁巢的”,戈尔顿博士讲道。 来自辞典例句
    • In Japan a fungus forager can earn a good living. 在日本,采蘑菇可以过上富足的生活。 来自互联网
    9 strapping [ˈstræpɪŋ] strapping   第7级
    adj. 魁伟的, 身材高大健壮的 n. 皮绳或皮带的材料, 裹伤胶带, 皮鞭 动词strap的现在分词形式
    • He's a strapping lad—already bigger than his father. 他是一个魁梧的小伙子——已经比他父亲高了。
    • He was a tall strapping boy. 他是一个高大健壮的小伙子。
    10 controversies [ˈkɔntrəvə:siz] 31fd3392f2183396a23567b5207d930c   第7级
    • We offer no comment on these controversies here. 对于这些争议,我们在这里不作任何评论。 来自英汉非文学 - 历史
    • The controversies surrounding population growth are unlikely to subside soon. 围绕着人口增长问题的争论看来不会很快平息。 来自辞典例句
    11 chimps [tʃimps] 2a09048610e52de775e2fe426c063f06   第11级
    (非洲)黑猩猩( chimp的名词复数 )
    • Chimps are too scarce, and too nearly human, to be routinely slaughtered for spare parts. 黑猩猩又太少,也太接近于人类,不可以作为人器官备用件说杀就杀。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 医学的第四次革命
    • And as nonprimates, they provoke fewer ethical and safety-related concerns than chimps or baboons. 而且作为非灵长类,就不会产生像用黑猩猩或狒狒那样的伦理和安全方面的顾虑。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 医学的第四次革命
    12 immaturity [ˌɪmə'tjʊərətɪ] 779396dd776272b5ff34c0218a6c4aba   第8级
    • It traces the development of a young man from immaturity to maturity. 它描写一位青年从不成熟到成熟的发展过程。 来自辞典例句
    • Immaturity is the inability to use one's understanding without guidance from another. 不成熟就是不经他人的指引就无法运用自身的理解力。 来自互联网
    13 high-tech [haɪ tek] high-tech   第7级
    • The economy is in the upswing which makes high-tech services in more demand too. 经济在蓬勃发展,这就使对高科技服务的需求量也在加大。
    • The quest of a cure for disease with high-tech has never ceased. 人们希望运用高科技治疗疾病的追求从未停止过。
    14 helping [ˈhelpɪŋ] 2rGzDc   第7级
    • The poor children regularly pony up for a second helping of my hamburger. 那些可怜的孩子们总是要求我把我的汉堡包再给他们一份。
    • By doing this, they may at times be helping to restore competition. 这样一来,他们在某些时候,有助于竞争的加强。
    15 tandem [ˈtændəm] 6Ibzp   第12级
    • Malcolm's contract will run in tandem with his existing one. 马尔科姆的合同将与他手头的合同同时生效。
    • He is working in tandem with officials of the Serious Fraud Office. 他正配合欺诈重案办公室的官员工作。
    16 bloody [ˈblʌdi] kWHza   第7级
    • He got a bloody nose in the fight. 他在打斗中被打得鼻子流血。
    • He is a bloody fool. 他是一个十足的笨蛋。

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