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To cover his confusion, he asked another conundrum as he tied up her beans—Cousin Stickles had remembered at the last moment that they must have beans.


Are you one of those hosts who's immediately gripped by this conundrum as your guests step across the threshold into your home: Should you, or shouldn't you, ask them to remove their shoes?


"These two papers highlight the conundrum public health policymakers are faced with," says Gideon St.


A conundrum of a city.


Your conundrum about the men in your life might only be answered once youmore fully solve the riddle of yourself.

时尚双语:多睡觉 产后变苗条

Researchers presented a conundrum to new mothers on Monday, saying that women who want to lose the extra weight gained in pregnancy should try to get more sleep.

万物简史 第50期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(14)

You will recall the cosmological conundrum with which we ended the first chapter ,, that the Big Bang created lots of light gases but no heavy elements.


This isn't a philosophical cri de coeur; it's an evolutionary conundrum.


This is the famous conundrum dubbed the 'Fermi Paradox'.

多睡觉 产后变苗条

Researchers presented a conundrum to new mothers on Monday, saying that women who want to lose the extra weight gained in pregnancy should try to get more sleep.


In 1917, though, Edward's son, George V, was presented with a conundrum: His surname sounded somewhat German, which was an unwelcome association during World War I, so he named his family after Windsor Castle.


Life can be one giant conundrum filled with ups and downs.


12 Citizens, a Chinese remake of 12 Angry Men, resolved the biggest conundrum - that China does not employ a jury system - with a stroke of genius.


But now, a new piece of research has taken the weight-loss conundrum one step further.


Life can be one giant conundrum filled with ups and downs.


This creates a conundrum, in which factory bosses are reluctant to invest in research and development, even though they realise that innovation holds the key to their survival.

Two Face:新西兰出现双头羊

That's the conundrum a Kiwi farming family has contended with since they discovered one of their ewes had given birth to a baby lamb with the unique deformity last Friday.


A conundrum of a city.

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