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But there was a terrible dread weighing on his mind, so terrible that he dared not even ask the question which might bring the fatal "yes"; he dared not ask the surgeon or Mr Stelling, "Shall I be lame, Sir?


" "They ought to take him to the vet," said Mother, with a worried frown; "I really CAN'T have a lame dog here.


"He won't be lame, or have to wear crutches or a lump on his foot, will he?


Some of them call it interfering in other people's business—and some call it "helping lame dogs over stiles," and some call it "loving-kindness.


And some of them went lame, and some fell down, and when they couldn't get up and go on, they beat them, and then left them to die.


These overtures and unconscious compliments Corny swallowed as manna, and hoped Bill, the off horse, would be less lame in the left forefoot in the morning.


" Uncle Wellington's rather lame conclusion was due to a marital glance from Aunt Wellington reminding him of what he had almost forgotten—that there were girls at the table.


The discourse was resumed presently, but it went lame and halting, all possibility of impressiveness being at an end; for even the gravest sentiments were constantly being received with a smothered burst of unholy mirth, under cover of some remote pew-back, as if the poor parson had said a rarely facetious thing.

怪医杜立德21:HOME AGAIN

And the old lame horse in the stable was glad to see him; and so were the swallows who had already built their nests under the eaves of his roof and had young ones.


" But the snow came earlier than usual that year; and although the old lame horse hauled in plenty of wood from the forest outside the town, so they could have a big fire in the kitchen, most of the vegetables in the garden were gone, and the rest were covered with snow; and many of the animals were really hungry.


And look, all the farmers round about who had lame horses and weak lambs—they'd come.


He had a cow with a calf too, and an old lame horse—twenty-five years of age—and chickens, and pigeons, and two lambs, and many other animals.

仇 恨(节选) Hate(Excerpt)

Special seats had been providedfor the aged and the lame and the relatives of murdered hostages.


Neither does it mean complaining about how unfair the world is with all those lame excuses of yours.


An investigator found some birds were so lame and deformed they could only "drag themselves to the food and water troughs by their wings", while others "stood motionless, too dazed or dying to move".


You see, wayyyy back in those wild days, wolves may've eaten the fresh feces of sick, lame or old members who accidentally let a load loose as a way to clean up inside and around their den.


Neither does it mean complaining about how unfair the world is with all those lame excuses of yours.


What's your lame superpower?


This is a lame excuse when it comes to dealing with your personal finances.


The reminder that I felt no fear at the very real risk of death, and every fear at risk of giving a slightly lame talk shamed me into being less afraid.

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