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" But he couldn't help playing with little Laura, and liking to amuse her; he even sacrificed his percussion-caps for her sake, in despair of their ever serving a greater purpose,—thinking the small flash and bang would delight her, and thereby drawing down on himself a rebuke from Mrs Stelling for teaching her child to play with fire.


That I have some claim to the exercise of a veto here, would not, I believe, be denied by any reasonable person cognizant of the relations between us: relations which, though thrown into the past by your recent procedure, are not thereby annulled in their character of determining antecedents.


They look upon conversation as the great pleasure of life, thereby proving the excellence of their civilisation, and for the most part they are entertaining talkers.


Catherine had never thought on the subject till that moment, but, upon examining her purse, was convinced that but for this kindness of her friend, she might have been turned from the house without even the means of getting home; and the distress in which she must have been thereby involved filling the minds of both, scarcely another word was said by either during the time of their remaining together.


Probably some wise, inscrutable motive was to be served thereby.


The plant will leave more descendants, thereby passing the advantage to the next generation.

旅游英语:石林 Stone Forest

Later, the movement of tectonic plates altered the earth's crust, causing the sea to recede and its limestone bottom to appear, thereby forming land.


When we are full, the hippocampus is thought to quieten down our memories of delicious food, thereby reducing our appetite.

双语美文:小想法 大事业

It is almost as if a divine being has whispered the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your sences to a reality thereby bringing illumination to your life .


Assuming you want to create both wealth and happiness for yourself and those around you, you have two approaches: wait until you're wealthy to be happy, or become more happy now and thereby create more wealth.


Numerous studies have shown that owning a cat can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, and thereby reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke.


According to the Yomiuri Shimbun, the Tokyo school started to restrict the proportion of women in each class to about 30% by manipulating test scores thereby failing more women.


We all have the power to change both our thoughts and behavior thereby giving more intentional direction to the remainder of our lives.


This process protects against salmonella, but also removes a waxy shell coating that naturally defends eggs against microorganisms, thereby necessitating refrigeration.


Turns out testosterone blocks these injurious immune cells and thereby the development of asthma.


It may even drive you to quit early, thereby gaining back whatever you lost.


It is almost as if a divine being has whispered the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your sences to a reality thereby bringing illumination to your life .


" "When we feel like our to-do lists are longer than the hours that we have time in the day to complete them, we can feel like our life is spiraling out of control, thereby undermining our personal well-being.


First, about the 5s in particular: What I like best is its 'burst mode, ' which can take 10 shots a second, thereby eliminating shutter lag.


The argument was that replacing fossil fuels with wind and solar power would reduce carbon emissions and thereby slow or even stop global warming, as well as curb consuming countries' huge dependence on expensive imported oil and gas.

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