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Electrifying entertainment, exciting events and astounding attractions are bound to get you hooked.


Facebook has given out its API keys — the code that developers need to access Facebook's platform—an astounding 400,000 times, many more than even Zuckerberg expected.

英国5岁女童体重近130斤 儿童肥胖引担忧

' Commenting on the Newport case, he said he found it 'absolutely astounding' the problem wasn't picked up earlier.


A report by the International Energy Agency, an organizations that advises developed nations, released on Wednesday did just that and the sum is astounding.

英语名人名言:food 食物

I am acutely aware of food, and its omnipresence is astounding.

安徒生童话英文版:The Porter’s Son

He spoke the French language so fluently that he had almost forgotten his own; he could dance well, he could ride well, and orders grew on his coat in an astounding way.

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