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While the decision to ban payday loans is apparently voluntary, Google is often asked to remove questionable ads and content by various international governments.


Wright's drone operations might soon becomelegally questionable too.


《,·》· In Kaitlyn Greenidge's debut novel We Love You, Charlie Freeman, an African-American family is invited to participate in an experiment teaching sign language to a chimpanzee by a New England research institute with a questionable past.


It is thus questionable whether we have given informed consent to all the ways in which our personal data are subsequently used.


I wouldn't say this happens a lot, but when you're halfway through your burger and you say found a hair in the middle, it's kind of questionable for a place that doesn't form their own patties.


The four-week introductory course, "Business Ethics in the Real World," will offer practical advice on confronting unethical situations in the workplace -- from white lies on resumes and manager pressure to falsify reports, to bosses accepting bribes or questionable company actions against industry competitors.


Given how questionable a lot of the advertising we see in China is, this is probably a good thing", he said.


Looks: 10; utility: questionable.


Anyone who has stayed at tired government-run places with their dodgy plumbing and questionable bed linen will understand my reticence.


They decided to have something to eat before goint home, but unfortunately the only spot open was a seedy bar-and-grill with a questionable reputation.


But other parts might not be so great: they don't know how to use the copier; some of them call you "bro"; and like generations before them, they overshare about the questionable ways they spent their Friday nights.

英语名人名言: Humor 幽默

Jeph Jacques, Questionable Content, #1615, March 2010 Where humor is concerned there are no standards - no one can say what is good or bad, although you can be sure that everyone will.

英语名人名言:Education 教育

Jeph Jacques, Questionable Content, 01-04-07 That's what college is for - getting as many bad decisions as possible out of the way before you're forced into the real world.

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