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Love at First Sight

Not quite yet ready to change into destiny, which brings them nearer and yet further, cutting their path and stifling a laugh, escaping ever further; There were sings, indications, undecipherable, what does in matter.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 22

" I was right, as appeared later; but in the meantime, the house being stifling hot and the little patch of sand inside the palisade ablaze with midday sun, I began to get another thought into my head, which was not by any means so right.


In the middle of a hot July afternoon, when the stifling air came with rippling waves of heat, I became a thief of some sort—a thief of music.




Being self-conscious is stifling.

伊索寓言:The Boar and the Ass

" The Boar, somewhat nettled at his familiarity, bristled up to him, and told him he was surprised to hear him utter so impudent an untruth, and was just going to show his resentment by giving him a rip in the flank; but wisely stifling his passion, he contented himself with saying: "Go, you sorry beast!

安徒生童话英文版:Ib and Little Christina

The air in the room was heavy and stifling, no light was burning, and from one corner came sounds of moaning and sighing.

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