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Such glances and tones bring the breath of poetry with them into a room that is half stifling with glaring gas and hard flirtation.


I don't lay claim to anything else than having used some opportunities which have not come within everybody's reach; but there is no stifling the offence of being young, and a new-comer, and happening to know something more than the old inhabitants.


When he was gone, Dorothea's tears gushed forth, and relieved her stifling oppression.


Meanwhile there was the snow and the low arch of dun vapor—there was the stifling oppression of that gentlewoman's world, where everything was done for her and none asked for her aid—where the sense of connection with a manifold pregnant existence had to be kept up painfully as an inward vision, instead of coming from without in claims that would have shaped her energies.


How was it that in the weeks since her marriage, Dorothea had not distinctly observed but felt with a stifling depression, that the large vistas and wide fresh air which she had dreamed of finding in her husband's mind were replaced by anterooms and winding passages which seemed to lead nowhither?


"Yes," answered Diana, stifling a giggle with an apprehensive glance over her shoulder at the closed sitting-room door.


The boys huddled themselves together and sought the friendly companionship of the fire, though the dull dead heat of the breathless atmosphere was stifling.


I was reading about how rich the pluralistic life is, and how stifling a homogeneous life is.


Being self-conscious is stifling.

Love at First Sight 一见钟情

Not quite yet ready to change into destiny, which brings them nearer and yet further, cutting their path and stifling a laugh, escaping ever further; ,,.


However, it's important to draw boundaries without stifling your employees' creativity or ability to work flexibly and efficiently.

把喷嚏憋回去 可能引发身体损伤

When sitting in a quiet theatre or a packed train, stifling a sneeze by holding the nose and closing the mouth may seem like the courteous option.


2、It's stifling!


This was hampering children's social skills as well as risking stifling their long-term physical, emotional development and wellbeing.


It's stifling!


No one is happy when a work environment is not just strict, but stifling as well.


Zaleznik worried that too many companies favoured collaboration, stifling "the aggressiveness and initiative that fuel leadership".


This novel features five narrators, observing and commenting the clash of cultures, the struggle to overcome stifling conventions, and the preservation of heritage.

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