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Butter Adding a teaspoon to sautéed vegetables will help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins(E, A, D and K).


"Try eating some whole-wheat toast drizzled with honey, or if you are too sick for solids, put a teaspoon of honey in a hot cup of tea," advises Zuckerbrot.


Carlucci suggests adding turmeric into soups or making a turmeric latte (also called "golden milk") by combining 2 cups heated cow or almond milk + 1 teaspoon turmeric + 1 teaspoon ginger.


▷For lotions, a good rule of thumb is a teaspoon per body part or area: ,,: 1 teaspoon for your face and neck; 1 for each arm; 1 for each leg; 1 for your chest and abdomen; and 1 for your back.


Any menu item containing more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium, the daily limit many nutritionists recommend and which equals about one teaspoon of salt, must display the emblem of a salt shaker in a black triangle.


All you have to do is mix a solution of two cups water and one teaspoon baby shampoo or conditioner.


A teaspoon of self-tanning gel or lotion is an ideal measurement.

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A teaspoon of commercial natural honey contains about 22 calories, a teaspoon of sugar around 16 calories.


Ingredients: : Filling: : 1 pound red azuki beans water 3/4 cup lard or oil 1-3/4 cups sugar Water-Shortening Dough: 2 cups flour 2 5 tablespoons lard 5 10 tablespoons water 10 1/4 teaspoon salt Flaky Dough: : 1 cup flour 5 tablespoons lard 5 red food coloring for design Preparation: : Filling Instructions: Soak red beans in water

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