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简单四步走 轻松来减肥

Get on the treadmill.


The recent death of the tech executive Dave Goldberg, reportedly during a treadmill workout on a vacation, has saddened and rattled the fitness community.


Sitting on the treadmill and talking on the phone doesn't give you the exercise you really need.


For example, some gyms limit treadmill use to 30 minutes.


We all lead busy lives and sometimes it feels like we're never going to get off that treadmill.


The researchers asked 81 women who had a sedentary lifestyle to participate in a 12 week aerobic exercise program involving three treadmill sessions a week.


(《》,2009613) Three month,before the gaokao 3… Ma Li, 18, fits the profile of a final-year student toiling on the exam treadmill.


The protein helps the muscles recover and the calories replace those burned when you are on the treadmill.


If you've traveled roughly 400-500 miles on your treadmill or it's been six months, it is time for a new pair.


Doesn't a treadmill workstation alleviate tension?

运动之前蒸桑拿 可以让你更健康

While a 10-minute warm-up on a stationary bike or treadmill might be the traditional way to gently warm muscles, the sauna really heats them up and gets them ready for exercise.


Question: Why do I find it more difficult and tiring when I take my walk on a treadmill?


Additionally, management and employees are not caught on a treadmill of having to hit quarterly numbers to appease the public markets and instead focus on core innovation.

想要更健康 那就养一只胖狗狗

Unlike a treadmill, Marley cannot be abandoned in the basement when you tire of working out.


Gathering more of the obesity-prone mice, they allowed all of them to grow heavy, but then started half on a daily 45-minute program of treadmill running, with encouragement provided by small puffs of air if they began to flag.


In the latest attempt to find an explanation, researchers trained five chimpanzees to walk on a treadmill while wearing masks that allowed measurement of their oxygen consumption.


Each foot slapped gracelessly down on the treadmill, the rhythm of her feet echoing the repetitive questions in her mind.


Pursuing happiness by acquiring material things (fancy cars, expensive jewelry, designer clothing) is like jogging to the grocery store on your treadmill: it won't get you anywhere.

安徒生童话英文版:Lucky Peer

He made a treadmill out of grandmother's chair, and upset two chairs and a bolster over himself to show how the dancing-hall came down.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-X

How long and wearisome the time appeared; it was like being in a treadmill.

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