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China has over 300 million smokers and over a million Chinese people die from smoking-related illnesses every year.


Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children.


Among women who smoked, 50 percent managed to quit if their partner gave up smoking too at the same time, compared with 17 percent of women whose partners were already non-smokers, and eight per cent of those whose partners were regular smokers.


* Smoking or Not Smoking: Some smokers gain weight after they quit smoking.


On their health benefits, the reports said: "Unsubstantiated or overstated claims of safety and cessation are frequent market themes aimed at smokers.


Smokers in deprived parts of the city of Dundee areto be paid to kick the habit in an initiative between public health organizations, municipal authorities and the Scottish government.


Smokers are about to get help kicking the tobacco habit: an interactive computer game that aims to "coach" cigarette users away from their addiction.


Compared to smokers, people who said they had quit cigarettes were more likely to adopt healthier behaviors, such as drinking less alcohol, being more physically active, and eating more fruits and vegetables, Sabia reported in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

多吃蔬菜 远离癌症

A second study of food consumption in more than 183,000 residents of California and Hawaii found that a diet high in flavonols might help reduce pancreatic cancer risk, especially in smokers.

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