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英语名人名言:exercise 锻炼

Exercise ferments the humors, casts them into their proper channels, throws off redundancies, and helps nature in those secret distributions, without which the body cannot subsist in its vigor, nor the soul act with cheerfulness.


I went back to school and started with new vigor.

格林童话英文版:The Goose-Girl at the Well

The count sprang up, and as he felt that he was quite fresh, and had recovered his vigor, he thanked the old woman for her present, and set off without even once looking back at the beautiful daughter.

安徒生童话英文版:The Last Dream of the Old Oak

The tree felt itself stretching and spreading out, while through the root beneath the earth ran the warm vigor of life.

The Wise Old Lady

When the young man looked into the hive, it was full of vigor, the bees were all busy.

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