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安徒生童话英文版:The Shepherd’s Story of the Bond of Friendship

We spoke of the sorrows of Greece, and of the men of the country who could be trusted.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Fourteenth Evening

The cold wind whistled, and therefore the little girl nestled closer to the mother, who, looking up at my decreasing disc, thought of the bitter want at home, and spoke of the heavy taxes they had not been able to raise.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Tenth Evening

I knew that, for I had not yet seen her begin the 'long journey,' of which she often spoke with her friend.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Seventh Evening

He spoke not a word, but his eyes sparkled.

化身博士-9 Doctor Jekyll's confession

Once a woman spoke to him 'Will you buy my matches,sir?

化身博士-7 The last night

'I once spoke with him.

化身博士-3 The Carew murder

The old man spoke politely to theyounger one.


' Clovis Sangrail listened silently to this conversation,andafter lunch he spoke to Lord Pabham in the smoking-room.


At last Lady Blemley spoke: 'Would you like some milk,Tobermory?


When the aunt spoke to the children,she always began with 'Don't… 'When the children spoke to her, they always began with'Why…'The bachelor said nothing aloud.


' The Vizier spoke to Aladdin's mother: 'Do you want to speak to the Sultan?


So she waited quietly in the room and spoke to nobody.

勃朗特一家的故事-9 亚瑟•尼可斯

' Mr Nicholls spoke for the first time.

勃朗特一家的故事-7 柯勒、埃利斯和阿克顿•贝尔

I spoke in the church on Sundays,but Arthur Nicholls did the rest of my work.

勃朗特一家的故事-5 找工作

'All three girls spoke at once.

勃朗特一家的故事-1 霍沃斯

I called them into this room and spoke to them.

格林•盖布尔斯的安妮-5 女王学院

He and Anne still never spoke and everybody knew that they wereenemies, because they both wanted to be first in the examination.

爱丽丝漫游奇境记-2 泪水潭

She spoke in a quiet voice.

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