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One letter sent from Apple to the state Department of Motor Vehicles noted that Apple's development platform "will have the ability to capture and store relevant data before a collision occurs.

谷歌: 我们的广告只有被浏览才收费

Google would not comment on what portion of ads on its networks are not "viewable" but noted that prices are likely to rise as the supply of ad inventory is constricted by the ruling out of "non-viewable" ads.


Research firms have already noted how Google's slide in China's online search market has been good for the company's Chinese rival, Baidu.


"The primary antidepressant effect of light must lie in the visible range," he noted.


Some, it noted, have not paid out a penny in 20-plus years of listed existence.


Experts noted that the eight preexisting major cuisines were simply recognized by the public, without any authoritative approval, and the same rule should also be applied to Mongolian cuisine.


But they noted gender differences according to how people felt about being overweight.


Hai also noted that several foreign universities have shown great interest in the new Oxford campus, including Oxford University.

央行表示 将稳步推进人民币国际化

Efforts should be made to enhance the yuan's role in investment, reserves and financial transactions, he noted.

科学家最新发现 长痘痘的人老得慢

Dermatologists have long noted that the skin of acne patients seems to age more slowly, with wrinkles and thinning appearing much later.


However, it also noted some "outstanding problems" such as offshore pollution, an unhealthy marine ecosystem and environmental risks such as reoccurrence of red tides.


The report also noted that lower-income and older segments of the Chinese population have suffered most, and their life satisfaction remains below the 1990 levels.


While adult colouring books were popular in 2015, last year saw books about healthy cooking and the latest Harry Potter sell well – which Bohme noted are "books that tend to translate better in the print form".


While people who exercise regularly are at less risk of cancer, in part due to their body's ability to clear lactate more efficiently, San Millan noted, a sedentary lifestyle, combined with excess sugar intake may fuel lactate accumulation and kick-start the metabolic misfiring that can lead to cancer.


People whose behavior is serious enough to constitute a crime shall be prosecuted for criminal liability, the guidelines noted.


Beijing's new regulation demonstrates the government's commitment to solving the problems caused by square dancing, and is a good example of resolving disputes through law, the report noted.


He noted there was no way to verify that employees do not use their hour for other purposes than spending time with their partners or spouses.


Your spine will start to curve and your body will experience pain," Vernikos noted.

Apple Pay在华水土不服 惨遭支付宝微信碾压

Compared with QR code payments, reliance on hardware has hindered the growth of near-field communication (NFC) payments, which is Apple Pay's chosen mode, a UnionPay insider noted.


" She noted that the design of the 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics should signify the "perfect unity of nationality, art and creativity".

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