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The process could get messy with ice cream or sauces, but more solid morsels can be gobbled up in a flash a la Pac-Man in the arcade game.


Now Morling's employees can hold meetings in the "chalet", "library" or the "ice cave" and have use of a Star Wars-themed cinema, arcade room and Rolling Stones-themed toilets.

从二次元到三次元 聊聊弹幕那些事儿

The word refers to the commentaries shooting across the screen, in the style of an arcade shooting game.


I used to play arcade gctrnes a lot.

Burleigh Street

Robert Sayle have agreed to relocate from their existing St Andrews St store to Burleigh St during construction of the Grand Arcade.

Magistrates Court

In August 2003 planning permission was granted for the Magistrates Court to be incorporated into the Grand Arcade scheme.

安徒生童话英文版:The Metal Pig

By the Palazzo degli Uffizi, in the arcade, where the nobility assemble for the carnival, the Metal Pig stopped.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Seventeenth Evening

The lazzarone sleeps under the arcade, whose pavement in old times was to be trodden only by the feet of high nobility.

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