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Fall in love with the way the morning sunlight cascades through the trees.

旅游英语:壶口瀑布 Hukou Waterfalls

The river narrows and cascades dramatically into a stone pond more than 30 meters below, creating the famous Hukou Waterfalls.


Some say the feeling cascades down their spine to their limbs.


This astonishing feature is actually part of the Liebian International Building in Guiyang -- and it employs four giant pumps to push recycled water from basement storage tanks to the top of the 121m high building from where it cascades down the side to create the waterfall.

读新闻坏处太多 少读可能更快乐

Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid (cortisol).


Fall in love with the way the morning sunlight cascades through the trees.

新闻坏处多 少读更快乐?

Panicky stories spur the release of cascades of glucocorticoid (cortisol).

王维: 送梓州李使君

A MESSAGE TO COMMISSIONER LI AT ZIZHOU Wang Wei From ten thousand valleys the trees touch heaven; On a thousand peaks cuckoos are calling; And, after a night of mountain rain, From each summit come hundreds of silken cascades.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-VII

Waters roared beneath them, or fell in cascades from above.

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