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非洲兴起皮肤美白风潮 青少年正使用注射剂

Others are likely to buy creams, often bootleg concoctions mixed in the back streets, which may be dangerous.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第23期:拟定饮用原味优格计划

When most Americans think of yogurt,they think of those dessertlike concoctions with sugary fruit at the bottom.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第4期:参加减重课程

Some others,however,are not very good at all and may even be outright dangerous,telling you to eat questionable concoctions or overextending yourself physically.

朋友圈疯传抗霾茶 专家声称不靠谱

The practice stems from the Chinese medicinal belief that drinking certain concoctions can boost one's health and rid the body of impurities.


The practice stems from the Chinese medicinal belief that drinking certain concoctions can boost one's health and rid the body of impurities.


Substituting whole foods for sweet industrial concoctions may be a hard sell, but in the face of an industry that is exploiting our biological nature to keep us addicted, it may be the best solution for those who need that sugar fix.


We became scientists and tested concoctions of milk, orange juice, and mouthwash.

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