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The world's top 5 fastest growing tourism cities are all in China, according to new data from the World Travel and Tourism Council.


35、Good council has no price.


Admin staff had to apply to Leicester city council for special permission to employ him because he was so young.


35、Good council has no price.


The council in Massarosa, just north of Pisa, says the pilot scheme will see cyclists paid 25 cents per kilometre travelled, up to a monthly cap of 50 euros (35 pounds), the regional Il Tirreno news website reports.

威廉·莎士比亚-5 瘟疫流行时期

In September 1592 the City Council closed the theatres.

星际动物园-10 Two of everything

'This is the planet of the Star Council so there is always work here you can do.

星际动物园-9 An animal is destroyed

I told the spaceship to take us to New Earth,the planet of the Star Council.

星际动物园-6 They don't believe me

Why didn't I go straight to the Star Council?

星际动物园-2 A spaceship made of plastic

Then I could show the Star Council I was doing important work.

星际动物园-1 You must marry me

Yes,it was true a woman must marry any man who asks her on Remembering Night—by order of the Star Council.

Belling the Cat

All the mice met together in a council against a fierce cat.

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