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我喝了一罐过期半年的汽水 还有救吗?

Even if all of the remaining carbon dioxide has broken down into sour acid (which would take years in an unopened can), it's still far more dilute and less acidic than your stomach acid, assuming you can handle the terrible flavour.


The advice to dilute oils, either in water or in a "carrier" oil such as coconut oil, doesn't always help, as the injury reports show.


" Simply eating too much at once can also dilute down the acid in our stomach, rendering it unable to start breaking down the food efficiently.


" Simply eating too much at once can also dilute down the acid in our stomach, rendering it unable to start breaking down the food efficiently.


However, eating salty foods can do the opposite as your body will retain fluids to help dilute the sodium you've just consumed - which is why we often bloat after eating sodium-rich foods, and get thirsty.


Yeast is rich in B vitamins, minerals and trace elements, however, yeast in beer is very dilute, so that the vitamins are made in small quantities.


The rain patients dilute: Vernal Equinox Day if it rains, they were less.


In almost every cocktail, ice serves to chill and dilute a drink, making it refreshing while calming the burn of the alcohol.


) ,C,B,、、、(:) Because of how hard lemon juice can be on the enamel of your teeth, it's important to dilute it with water of any temperature (though lukewarm is recommended).


The services could "dilute [publisher] brands as destination sites and?


Dilute red food coloring with water and pour onto a damp paper towel on a plate.

安徒生童话英文版:The Comet

"The comet-year is a good wine year,"hesaid;"one can dilute the wine with water,and it will notbe noticed.

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