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Tyke, who want to use Dissenting hymn-books and that low kind of religion, who ever found Bulstrode to their taste.


Bulstrode to have won the hand of Harriet Vincy; whose family was undeniable in a Middlemarch light—a better light surely than any thrown in London thoroughfares or dissenting chapel-yards.


Still in the Dissenting line, eh?


And she would neither believe her own watch, nor her brother's, nor the servant's; she would believe no assurance of it founded on reason or reality, till Morland produced his watch, and ascertained the fact; to have doubted a moment longer then, would have been equally inconceivable, incredible, and impossible; and she could only protest, over and over again, that no two hours and a half had ever gone off so swiftly before, as Catherine was called on to confirm; Catherine could not tell a false


They welcome disagreement 5、 Influential people do not react emotionally and defensively to dissenting opinions—they welcome them.

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