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" "Well,"explains Steve angrily,"Our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly,but this dummy can't even add.


In 2003, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News found that many offices install 'dummy thermostats' 51 out of 71 people in the survey confirmed their office in fact has one.


In 2003, the Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration News found that many offices install 'dummy thermostats' 51 out of 71 people in the survey confirmed their office in fact has one.

英媒批小七咬奶嘴 小贝愤怒发文回击

David Beckham has told The Daily Mail it has "no right" to criticise his parenting skills after it published a piece questioning his "controversial" decision to allow his four year old daughter to use a dummy.


Then, for four months, the women were given a daily dose of standard tomato juice containing 15mg of lycopene, an enriched version' with 35mg of lycopene, Iycopene capsules or dummy' capsules.


" "Well,"explains Steve angrily,"Our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly, but this dummy can't even add.

A Silly Rabbit愚蠢的兔子

" "Well,"explains Steve angrily,"Our teacher says that rabbits multiply very quickly,but this dummy can't even add.


A ventriloquist is performing with his dummy on his lap.


Ten healthy volunteers were either given theobromine, codeine or a dummy pill during the trial, which also involved Royal Brompton Hospital and St Bartholomew's Hospital.

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