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'I try to please everyone, and create a nice atmosphere, keeping the restaurant elegant.


I love your ring It looks so elegant!


" We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy.


Now your product or service has to do the job in an elegant and pleasing way.


The first time for me to see Hepburn's picture, I was impressed by her beautiful outlook, she was so elegant, her beauty caught my eye, I looked at the picture for a long time.


" "Thank you very much for the elegant scarf you sent me.


Dining Room Staff Tips for dining room staff are exactly the same as they are in any other restaurant -15 to 18 percent except in the most elegant dining rooms where tips are 18 to 20 percent.


30 Lead the field To be the most successful person or group in an activity Example: For decades, the House of Dior led the field in elegant fashion design.


" We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy.


" We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy.

美剧中50句经典俚语 3

Lead the field To be the most successful person or group in an activity Example: For decades, the House of Dior led the field in elegant fashion design.

安徒生童话英文版:The Candles

" There also the candles were lighted: they shone, out across the street; the carriages rolled up with the elegant ball-guests and the music played.

The Intimate Couple

"I am wearing a wonderful and elegant leather jacket.

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