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双语美文:A Cheerful Temper 好心境

" Billy went to another grave and saw another tombstone.


Don't go to your grave with unfulfilled dreams.

即使过往伤心 时间总能治愈一切

I know that you could carry regret with you to your grave, but if you let go of it - if you let go - you can fly right out of heartbreak.


I'll take it to my grave.

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as a british poet said:" taken away love, our earth would be a grave.


Don't go to your grave with unfulfilled dreams.

the Stolen Farthing两枚硬币

therefore it had had no rest in its grave, and had come every day at noon to look for these farthings.

格林童话英文版:The Stolen Farthings

And therefore it had had no rest in its grave, and had come every day at noon to seek for these farthings.

格林童话英文版:The Shroud

The next night the child came again, and held a little light in its hand, and said, "Look, mother, my shroud is nearly dry, and I can rest in my grave.

A Cheerful Temper

" Billy went to another grave and saw another tombstone.

勃朗特一家的故事-2 考恩桥学校

I stood in the church,and looked at the summer flow-ers I had put on their grave.

勃朗特一家的故事-1 霍沃斯

The wind had blown some dead leaves through the door into the church,and I watched them dancing in the sunlight near the grave.

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