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Linton, on the third day, unbarred her door, and having finished the water in her pitcher and decanter, desired a renewed supply, and a basin of gruel, for she believed she was dying.


I'm annoyed how I should dream of chattering on at such a rate; and your gruel cold, and you nodding for bed!


But you've caught cold: I saw you shivering, and you must have some gruel to drive it out.


I want to send once more, something good for tea; she hates gruel so;" and the last despatch which the Great International Telegraph carried that day was a baked apple and a warm muffin, with "J.


Chinese yam Steamed, stir-fried or put into gruel, Chinese yam is always the key to a healthy meal.

中国人心系中式早餐 豆浆油条

Like their ancestors before them, even the most westernised Shanghainese queue up before bamboo towers of steamed buns, spitting woks of crispy bottomed dumplings and steaming vats of rice gruel, to eat food that proudly declares its Chineseness.

安徒生童话英文版:The Nis and the Dame

"There's clotted cream there as thick as gruel.

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