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Also included in the feast are ingredients like cider vinegar, hemp protein powder, Wearnutkin 'boursin' cashew cheese, acai Pulp, activated almonds, white matcha tea powder, heritage tomatoes and kimchi.


fold a cloth either willfully or regularly and bind the folded cloth with a hemp string ;soak the cloth in the dye vat ;dry the dyed cloth and remove the binding string.


Peasants wore a long,shirt like garment made of hemp fiber.


It happened that a country man was sowing some hemp seeds in a field where a Swallow and some other Birds were hopping about picking up their food.


There was once a king who had three sons of marriageable age In order to avoid any dispute over their choice of three brides, he said, "Aim as far as you can with the sling There where the stone falls you will get your wife" The three sons picked up their slings and shot The oldest boy sent his stone flying all the way to the roof of a bakery, so he got the baker girl The second boy released his stone, which came down on the house of a weaver The youngest son's stone landed in a ditch Imme


" Ashamed of her daughter's gluttony, the mother replied, "Seven spindles of hemp!

孟浩然: 过故人庄

We open your window over garden and field, To talk mulberry and hemp with our cups in our hands.

僧皎然: 寻陆鸿渐不遇

NOT FINDING LU HONGXIAN AT HOME Seng Jiaoran To find you, moved beyond the city, A wide path led me, by mulberry and hemp, To a new-set hedge of chrysanthemums -- Not yet blooming although autumn had come.

李白: 梦游天姥吟留别

Row upon row, like fields of hemp, range the fairy figures.

李白: 蜀道难

There are ravenous tigers to fear in the day And venomous reptiles in the night With their teeth and their fangs ready To cut people down like hemp.


Women get together to spin hemp threads at night.

The Wild Swans

" In her dreams that night, a fairy appeared and said, "Make mantles for your brothers with hemp and have them wear the mantles.

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