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Laboratory Tests Two children were sitting outside a clinic.


I went over to the laboratory table where the new creature was lying.


I bought all that I needed for a laboratory, and sent every-thing to Scotland.


After I had left the laboratory, I escaped into the country outside the town.


In my laboratory I made a body.


The professors realized that I was doing very important work, and so they gave me my own laboratory.

化身博士-9 Doctor Jekyll's confession

When I was myself again,I locked the door that led fromthe street to my laboratory.

化身博士-8 Doctor Lanyon's letter

Together we went through the old laboratory andclimbed the stairs to the doctor's private study.

化身博士-7 The last night

'He led the way across theback garden towards the laboratory.

化身博士-5 The death of a friend

He spends all his time in the studyabove his laboratory.

化身博士-4 Doctor Jekyll receives a letter

Jekyll's servant, Poole, let himin at once and took him through the kitchen and across theback garden to the laboratory behind the house.

化身博士-2 In search of Mr Hyde

'I saw Mr Hyde go in by the laboratory door in the street atthe back of the house, said the lawyer.

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