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Recently when I found myself returning to that bad habit of rushing ahead and living in the future again, I found His truth coming from the lips of a special soul who gently told me I needed to "live one day at a time.


Speaking on the phone can be difficult for a person learning a new language, especially as you are not able to see the person you are speaking to and are not able to read their lips in order to better understand what they are saying.


"",""—> My lips are sealed.

英文情书大全:Lost In Love在爱中迷失

The first time I kissed you, much time has passed, but I still have your kiss burning on my lips and your cologne in all my senses.

My Box of Memories

" She put the tip of her finger between her lips.

化身博士-8 Doctor Lanyon's letter

' He put the glass to his lips and drank the liquid.


' Nobody laughed,and nobody actually said'Rubbish',al-though Clovis's lips moved silently… 'And have you really taught Tobermory,'asked MissResker,'to say and understand short,easy words?


As Van Cheele entered the sitting-room, the song died on his lips and his dog ran away with his tail between his legs.

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