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In 1980, after recording the albums "Low," "Heroes" and "Lodger" — which became known as his Berlin trilogy — he was back in New York, this time as the Elephant Man at the Booth Theater on Broadway.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 30

A noo boarder and lodger, sir, and looking fit and taut as a fiddle; slep' like a supercargo, he did, right alongside of John--stem to stem we was, all night.

安徒生童话英文版:Aunty Toothache IV

The lodger upstairs had come home.

安徒生童话英文版:Aunty Toothache III

"The people who live in the house come home at all hours, from late in the evening until far into the night; the lodger just above me, who in the daytime gives lessons on the trombone, comes home the latest and does not go to bed before he has taken a little midnight promenade with heavy steps and in iron heeled shoes.

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