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In spite of you being changed into different colours for corporations and being bastardised to represent materialism gone mad - despite probably originating in some season based pagan druid ritual a million thought miles from requests for spontaneously combusting hoverboards.

乔布斯传 第36期:弗里德兰(3)

Although the commune was supposed to be a refuge from materialism, Friedland began operating it more as a business; ,.

乔布斯传 第31期:非里德学院不读(2)

" Jobs began sharing with Kottke other books, including Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind by Shunryu Suzuki, Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, and Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism by Chgyam Trungpa.


Consultant Graphologist Tracey Trussell has analysed the most common doodles and their meaning in a new piece of research for Samsung and while sketching squares express a down-to-earth nature, etching boxes is a sign of materialism.


Both groups were given a Likert scale questionnaire to gauge how they use Facebook, how much they compare themselves to others, level of materialism, how much they think of Facebook friends as objects, and how much status or other benefits they can gain from their Facebook friends.


Steeped in the gaudy materialism of Central Florida, animated by Brooklynn Prince's gleeful spontaneity and anchored by Willem Dafoe's deep craft, the movie already has a feeling of permanence.


Modern Materialism 、.


In Japanese society, where consumerism has become almost a national obsession, an increasing number of people are opting away from materialism and embracing a minimalist lifestyle, which they claim provides them with enormous freedom.

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The "Bullet Subtitle" feature has been adopted by the biggest video websites in China such as Tudou and iQiyi, and even appeared during a theater screening of the paean to feminine materialism Tiny Times 3.


White's words: "Personal success, business success, built upon materialism alone, are empty shells concealing disappointment, saddened lives," which he epitomized by saying: "Cast your bread upon the waters and it will come back in abundance.


Both of them believed in Marxism and materialism.

韩郭电影大比拼 讲述不一样的中国

The 'Tiny Times' movies have been panned by film critics for their decadent imagery, and an opinion piece last year in the state-run People's Daily criticized the first installment as 'full-blown materialism worship.

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