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养宠物 Raising a Pet

My parents are happy to see me become mature, at last, they agree to allow to raise a cat.

The Current Me 现在的我

I needed to be mature.


If I ask my parents immediately, I will never be mature, as I always want to depend on them.


When we fight for our goal, we will do our best and try to improve ourselves, even we fail in the end, but when we look back at the beginning, we can find that we are no longer the childish ones, we have grown up and become mature.


During their process of growing, finally the boy became mature and started to have the real talk with the girl.


High school is a particular period in most people's life, people are between being childish and mature, in this period, keeping a faith plays an important part, it gives you strength and courage, making you fight for your future.


I want to return their love, so I must become more independent and mature.


My mother gave me a present, it was a computer, I was so happy, she said that since I had been 18, I should be mature, I should think twice before action.

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