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They were sombre blues, opaque like a delicately carved bowl in lapis lazuli, and yet with a quivering lustre that suggested the palpitation of mysterious life; there were purples, horrible like raw and putrid flesh, and yet with a glowing, sensual passion that called up vague memories of the Roman Empire of Heliogabalus; there were reds, shrill like the berries of holly—one thought of Christmas in England, and the snow, the good cheer, and the pleasure of children—and yet by some magic softened


Called the "king of fruits" by 19th-century British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, durian's overpowering smell – fragrant to some noses, putrid to others – has led it to be banned from hotels and public transport across Asia, and has even prompted evacuations from airports and hospitals.


Called the "king of fruits" by 19th-century British naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, durian's overpowering smell – fragrant to some noses, putrid to others – has led it to be banned from hotels and public transport across Asia, and has even prompted evacuations from airports and hospitals.


" As an adjective addle first had the meaning of "foul smelling and putrid" (specifically said of an egg), and later came to mean "confused or muddled.

格林童话英文版:The Fisherman and His Wife

And when he came to the sea, it was quite dark-grey, and the water heaved up from below, and smelt putrid.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-VII

He tried the strength of the stunted trees, and the thick underwood upon which the nest rested, and of which it was formed, and finding they would support his weight, he grasped them firmly, and swung himself up from the ladder till his head and breast were above the nest, and then what an overpowering stench came from it, for in it lay the putrid remains of lambs, chamois, and birds.

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