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诡异! 一女大学生在Instagram上遭陌生人疯狂模仿

A stranger has been replicating the 21-year-old Scottish university student's Instagram pictures for almost two years.


He said he was also working on ways of replicating sweetness and spiciness by rapidly heating and cooling the tongue.

乔布斯传 第25期:乔布斯和蓝盒子(1)

The story, Ron Rosenbaum's "Secrets of the Little Blue Box," described how hackers and phone phreakers had found ways to make long-distance calls for free by replicating the tones that routed signals on the AT&T network.


The scientists, who are based at the Institute of Food Research in Norwich and the Policlinico Universitario (University Hospital)in Messina, Italy, said they found almond skins improved the ability of the white blood cells to detect viruses while also increasing the body's ability to prevent viruses from replicating and so spreading inside the body.


Today, tablets like Microsoft's Surface are close enough to replicating PCs.

得不得癌症 基本看运气

Instead, the vast majority of cancers are probably down to unlucky defects in replicating DNA that occur out of the blue, they suggest.


Today, tablets like Microsoft's Surface are close enough to replicating PCs.


He concedes, though, that Google's computers are still far from matching human levels of language comprehension, or replicating the broad understanding of the world that people draw on when holding a conversation.


Replicating the Voight-Kampff machine, a fictional interrogation tool, the research team created a device that mimics this emotion-detector.

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