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Lip balms provide only temporary comfort, and some types can make scaly lips even drier.


But while this drug can be helpful to some, it doesn't work on every type of acne, and can come with some gnarly side effects, such as fatigue, dizziness, dry and scaly skin, joint pain, and even birth defects.


This Was On A Lotion They Provide At My Hotel , Instructions for use>After showering, apply generously onto the skin that evokes warm, scaly memories of the pet iguana your cousin Danny had in seventh grade.


And when he jumped up on to the bulwark, forward of the snake, and set his little furry back against its huge scaly, slimy back, and began pushing as hard as he could, quite a number of people saw what he meant and rushed to both sides of the ship to do the same.


" Lucy tried hard to console him and even screwed up her courage to kiss the scaly face, and nearly everyone said "Hard luck" and several assured Eustace that they would all stand by him and many said there was sure to be some way of disenchanting him and they'd have him as right as rain in a day or two.


It reached the pool and slid its horrible scaly chin down over the gravel to drink: but before it had drunk there came from it a great croaking or clanging cry and after a few twitches and convulsions it rolled round on its side and lay perfectly still with one claw in the air.


Itchy feet You may notice a white scaly or damp rash in between your toes or under the feet.

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

"Those are scaly animals" said a little slimy Whiting.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bell-Deep

It is old, very old, as we have already observed; it was there long before grandmother's grandmother was born; and yet it is but a child in comparison with the Au-mann, who is quite an old quiet personage, an oddity, with his hose of eel-skin, and his scaly Jacket with the yellow lilies for buttons, and a wreath of reed in his hair and seaweed in his beard; but he looks very pretty for all that.

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