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Less than $200m of passive money tracking developed market indices would seep out of Greece as a result, according to one HSBC estimate, while inflows from emerging markets investors could top $1bn.


Every time you open the oven door, you allow cold air to seep in, therefore slowing down the process.

科比亲笔 钢铁之心(节选自曼巴精神)

I never let fear or doubt seep into my psyche.

日本公司推AI摄像头 用来识别小偷

Artificial intelligence (AI) continues to seep into our daily lives.


But non-dominant sights can still seep into our subconcscious.


Algae or bacteria -not the good kind - seep in and grow inside your bottled water if you leave it for too long.


Working out is an expression of self-care, and this will seep into other parts of your life.


Rather than allowing doubt to seep in and poison your process, you owe it to yourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan.


It will take time for the raft of new federal earnings data to seep into the complex reputational ecosystem that continues to govern the higher education market.


Rather than allowing doubt to seep in and poison your process, you owe it to yourself to remain confident in your vision and your plan.


In cases of severe constipation, toxins released by the digestive system may seep through the pores, exposing "fecal body odor," which is made up of toxic by-products that the body needs to release by any means to prevent illness and disease.

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