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amaha has grown to become the world's largest manufacturer of musical instruments (including pianos, "silent" pianos, drums, guitars, brass instruments, woodwinds, violins, violas, celli, and vibraphones), as well as a leading manufacturer of semiconductors, audio/visual, computer related products, sporting goods, home appliances, specialty metals and industrial robots.


From 1985 to 1991, the US and Japan were entangled in six years of negotiations covering fields like semiconductors, super computers, and telecommunications, and signed a series of agreements, including two on semiconductors and four on market access, with the most notable ones being the Plaza treaty and the Maekawa report.


The products covered includes a diverse list of items including soybeans, semiconductors, railway cars, almonds, and backpacks.

乔布斯传 第11期:童年,被遗弃和被选择(7)

Within a few years there would be more than fifty companies in the area making semiconductors.


By sector, applications filed by Chinese innovators mostly related to high-tech fields, including electrical engineering, computer technology, semiconductors and measuring instruments.


But it takes rather more money to get the attention of multinationals, and the NDRC achieved just that in 2013 with the first in a series of investigations against foreign manufacturers of milk powder, auto parts, premium cars and semiconductors.


Collecting sunlight using these tiny colloidal quantum dots depends on two types of semiconductors: n-type, which are rich in electrons; and p-type, which are poor in electrons.

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