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" At last Mason ventured to show Paderewski a movement of his new violin sonata.


Who has not wondered if he could learn to play the Moonlight Sonata, at least the easy beginning part?

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Take a pass on your own unappealing behavior, too: the pining, yearning, longing and otherwise frittering away of valuable brainwaves that could be spent on Sudoku, or at least a jigsaw puzzle, if not that Beethoven sonata you loved so well in college.


Some of Beethoven's well-known achievements are the Moonlight Sonata for piano, the Fifth Symphony, and the Ninth Symphony.


The "Fantasia in F Minor," the "Barcarolle," the "Polonaise Fantasia," "Ballade in A Flat Major," "Ballade in F Minor," and "Sonata in B Minor" were all products of the relaxed time Chopin enjoyed in the country.


to launch a new kind of battery called Sonata, which she says will have a lifespan as long as that of your laptop and give you at least four hours of power between charges, compared with two to three hours with existing batteries.

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