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Winning is not done in short sprints, but rather long endurance challenges.


Forget about slipping out of your shoes because of loose laces or feeling pressure from too-tight tying when doing those sprints.


A satisfying career, to extend the tiresome metaphor, is less a marathon than a series of sprints.

运动之前蒸桑拿 可以让你更健康

Over the past six months, I have slowly built up to about 20 minutes of sauna after doing 30 minutes of sprints twice a week.


As your stamina improves, your 'sprints' can be faster or done up hills to intensify the workout.

The Marks of Life

When I was doing hill sprints to prepare for my ski racing - my heart and lungs and leg muscles all on fire - I'd often be hit by the sensation that there were no resources left inside me with which to keep going.

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