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Seaward this lady gazed, and the furrows between steamship lines began to cut steerage rates.


The first wave of globalisation that created the Great Divergence expanded markets via the falling cost of transporting physical goods, thanks to the steamship and the railway.


If this is true-and it is a staggering proposition, given that the Pacific Mail Steamship Company made just a dozen sailings a year, taking 33 days-then the subject deserves a chapter, not just the briefest of mentions.

安徒生童话英文版:The Flea and the Professor

They traveled hy steamship and by sailing vessel ; the flea performed his tricks, and so they got a free passage on the way and arrived at the wild country.


" By telegraph we received Frederick's greeting to us from England, just as he boarded the steamship.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-IV

It was his opinion that he had really made as great a journey as if he had travelled in a steamship, a railway carriage, or a post-chaise.

安徒生童话-13 The Goloshes of Fortune-The Watchman’s Adventures

Nearly every one is acquainted with the great power of steam; we have proved it by the rapidity with which we can travel, both on a railroad or in a steamship across the sea.

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