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Some stood on pilings or stilts; some were fastened to rock with iron rods.


Watching fireworks In the daytime, there are performances, such as the dragon lantern dance, lion dance, land boat dance, yangge dance and some will walk on stilts and beat drums while dancing.


Hand-Held Stilts Hand-held stilts typically come in two varieties (string and pole) and are common childhood toys.


Some stood on pilings or stilts; some were fastened to rock with iron rods.


Then in front of the straw dragon, four men carried the Dragon King's memorial tablet on a tablet tray and in front of it, people perform acrobatics, singing and dancing, as walking on stilts, doing yangge dance, gongs, drums and flags leading the way.


The whole thing puts me in mind of 1950s airline stewardesses or geisha entertainers in Japan, who used to wear their own brand of uncomfortable footwear — wooden sandals balanced on tiny stilts.


Not to be outdone, India's futuristic new Bharathi base, built on stilts using 134 interlocking shipping containers, resembles a spaceship.

格林童话英文版:The Ditmarsch Tale of Wonders

Three fellows who wanted to catch a hare, went on crutches and stilts, one of them was deaf, the second blind, the third dumb, and the fourth could not stir a step.

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