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After a time—not, of course, at first—he might be with me as my curate, and he would have so much to do that his stipend would be nearly what I used to get as vicar.


Visa holders can send their children to private schools or pay a small stipend to attend a state-owned public school.


The company used to pay me a nice amount of stipend and I decided to buy two HTC Desire 828 smart phones for my parents.


Under the pilot, if a participant finds work, they will continue to receive the stipend, removing one of the limitations of current welfare systems - the disincentive to find work.


Pinterest reportedly pays their interns $9,000 a month for a summer of work, in addition to $1,000 for relocation and another $3,000 stipend for housing.

莘莘学子们 被名校拒绝不可怕

She won a stipend to live in Tijuana, Mexico, for a summer and work with indigent children there.


Further, he gave the family a set of mosquito nets and a stipend, so that they never again lacked the necessities of life.

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